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Soap Hopper! Jacob Young Returns to Bold and the Beautiful Monday, 9-26-11

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Jacob Young (Rick), John McCook (Eric) of the Bold and the Beautiful (c)KathyHutchinsOne thing is certain.  Jacob Young (Rick, Bold and the Beautiful; ex JR, All My Children,) did not let the door hit him in the butt on his way out. Oh no. He immediately turned the loss of his job on All My Children, due to its broadcast cancellation by ABC, into a new opportunity.  He returned to the role that brought him his first Daytime Emmy nomination in 2000 -- Rick Forrester on the Bold and the Beautiful.

The powers that be at B&B are no dopes.  Young, always much loved on B&B as Rick became available, and no sooner did AMC air it’s last episode, Young will turn up back in the world of Los Angeles high fashion.

Bold and the Beautiful executive producer Bradley Bell can’t wait to incorporate Young back into the fold on B&B, but he’s


All My Children ~ A Personal Tribute

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All My Children

"The Great and the Least,
The Rich and the Poor,
The Weak and the Strong,
In Sickness and in Health,
In Joy and Sorrow,
In Tragedy and Triumph,
              Agnes Nixon, 1970

On Friday, September 23, 2011, the daytime airwaves will cease to exist as we’ve known them for the past 41 years.  All My Children, the brainchild of Agnes Nixon, will no longer air on broadcast.  The wonderful news is that the show will find a new home on the Internet and cable thanks to the brilliance of Prospect Park.  It’s the end of an era, but the beginning of Internet serialized drama.  It’s true


All My Children's Michael E. Knight Opens Up About the Cancellation and the Future of AMC

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Michael E. Knight (Tad, All My Children)Long time fan favorite star of All My Children, Michael E. Knight, has played the role of Thaddeus James "Tad" Martin for close to 30-years.  He's seen much, done much, and been a part of much of All My Children for a long, long time. 

Imagine being an actor trying to make material seem fresh and new every day for 30 years.  Not easy.

Many moons ago, oh, I'd say around 1994 or 1995 or so, he confided to me that

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