One thing is certain. Jacob Young (Rick, Bold and the Beautiful; ex JR, All My Children,) did not let the door hit him in the butt on his way out. Oh no. He immediately turned the loss of his job on All My Children, due to its broadcast cancellation by ABC, into a new opportunity. He returned to the role that brought him his first Daytime Emmy nomination in 2000 -- Rick Forrester on the Bold and the Beautiful.
The powers that be at B&B are no dopes. Young, always much loved on B&B as Rick became available, and no sooner did AMC air it’s last episode, Young will turn up back in the world of Los Angeles high fashion.
Bold and the Beautiful executive producer Bradley Bell can’t wait to incorporate Young back into the fold on B&B, but he’s
choosing to take things slow at first. Bell told TV Guide “We will slowly immerse Rick back into the Forrester family so viewers can remember and appreciate him. And then we’re off to the races!” Bell also said that Young was great back then, but he is even a “more exciting, intense and an unpredictable actor now.”
I’ll say. Young’s final scenes on All My Children are the basis for the major cliffhanger that will take that soap into its new incarnation on the internet with Prospect Park.
The Bold and the Beautiful was Young’s first major television role. Back in 1999 or 2000 he shared with Soapdom how he was cast:
He had just moved to California and was working part time waiting tables at a Denny's in San Diego. Imagine having him refill your coffee mug!
"I was traveling back and forth to LA for commercial castings. I wanted to do theatrical work, and heard that maybe the best way to get noticed for that was to place an ad in the Hollywood Reporter or the Junior Variety. I looked into it. It was $75 bucks to put my picture in and say, hey, I'm here. Anybody interested?"
That $75 dollars was the best investment Young ever made. His picture was seen by the casting director for B&B and he was called in for an audition.
"The next thing I knew, I was in a producer call back. Everything happened so fast. The casting process, then BOOM, I am on the show!" Looking like a young Brad Pitt probably didn't hurt, but Young had a string of theater credits on his resume. "B&B is the best thing that ever happened to me," he confided in me back then.
And now he’s returned. “It’s like a time warp coming back,” Young shared with Soapdom. “It felt like putting an old hat on. We all have a couple of wrinkles since the last time I was there, but it was like coming home.”
Tune in to see Young’s return as Rick Forrester on Monday, September 26, 2011.

QueenRuler said:
Loving Jacob Young as Rick He has just slipped back into a pair of comfortable shoes. Do I sense a tinge of JR Chandler -- prior this melt-down JR? You betcha, but it so works for Rick as well. Are you guys enjoying his performance as Rick? |
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