Friday’s episode gave us some of the best acting I have ever seen on the big or small screen. Gina Tognnoni’s portrayal of Dinah Marlar, the sister that has given Bill everything he has and support when no one else would, was outstanding. I was so moved when Dinah choked, telling Bill she loved him and always would and she will be there to pick up the pieces when he falls. Friday was defiantly the Dinah show because she didn’t leave off with that one great scene. The show closed with Dinah going to Remy’s and handing him an envelope of cash to help him get started as a father. Dinah’s look of defeat and betrayal of her brother as she handed over the cash spoke volumes that words could not convey; all while she felt compelled to do for her best friend. Brava, Brava! I look forward to more from Dinah/Gina hopefully sooner than later.
Dinah as a character, Gina as an actress, has what it takes to jump to the forward of the line. She has proven time and time again she can handle, deserves, and should have more major storylines.
Bill I am not to thrilled with, but possibly he will not be so annoying with Lizzie in and Ava out. Sadly, there is big baby issues on the horizon as next week brings health crisis with little preemie-Max. I feel terrible laughing over a baby and his health be it fictional or not, but it isn’t that exactly I chuckle at. It’s the fact they are calling the chunky baby a preemie. That baby is huge and fat with little rolls around his cheeks and legs. He looks quite healthy and strong. The show cast that baby very poorly, but I understand picking him because he is a cutie pie. No wonder everyone in town wants him to be a part of their life.
Dinah isn’t the only character that the show and her portrayer has really turned into a superstar. Lizzie is such a lovable character, and her portrayer is just as lovely and sweet. Lizzie did crazy and conniving well, she does morning and shallow well, she does successful and happy well. Lizzie also does compassionate well. Though she helped Billy in a strange off set way when he was struggling with the business and drinking last year, she was very compassionate and understanding. I commend her for taking a different road to help someone many people had tried to help using the same old methods. Lizzie exhibited she can be simply caring and nurturing without an agenda or grand plan, a friend to listen and a friend to give wise advice, when she comforted and spoke with Natalia late in the week as Natalia struggled desperately to try and locate Rafe, no matter the means.
Reva is exactly right, Grady is a coward. I saw the preview of Grady kicking over the trash can and yelling for Reva outside her home and thought “oh this is going to be good” Boy was I let down. That was the extent. I personally would have liked to see Grady push Reva to the brink and then her mop the floor with him. How great, and funny, would that have been; for Reva to beat the scrawny little freak up. He goes around so tough and trying to exact fear in people, especially Reva, it would have been more than deserved. Reva did get the last word when she took herself to the hospital over a sprained ankle and called Daisy with a weak voice claiming she needed her. Typical Reva, I loved it!
Earlier in the week I really felt sorry for Jeffrey and Ava as they faced the fact that Ava was suffering from a severe form of post partum depression. Both really let their acting ability show. We rarely get to see hurt out of Jeffrey so it was a nice change that didn’t feel uncomfortable to watch. Same can be said for Ava. I’ve never been a fan of Ava, as a matter of fact I have spoke out very loudly against her presence on the show. Had Ava had some quality lines and story to exhibit her acting ability instead of being an annoying slut, sniveling and whining constantly her character could have evolved into a great villain or heroine, depending on which direction the show felt would be best for the character. Unfortunately, I feel Ava and her portrayer pulled out the big guns a little too late as official word is Michelle Ray Smith is off the show.
This week was the week of female empowerment! Dinah, Lizzie, Reva, even Ava, unfortunately Daisy cannot be counted among the loved characters above. Daisy has plucked every nerve I have. I just want to shake her so hard until she realizes how silly and childish she is acting. The show needs to let Daisy grow up or send her out of town. As immature as she is acting after what we have seen out of her makes me wonder if she is mentally unstable or has a low IQ, maybe slightly retarded. I know her behavior past and present speaks volumes to that argument.
On that note I will close for this week knowing the residents of Springfield will give us plenty more to discuss in the weeks to come.
Until next week Guiding Light fans keep your light shining as Springfield keeps theirs’ shining for us.

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