Hi Everybody,
I hope you are enjoying your summer. I know I have been one busy drama queen! One of my busiest projects over the summer included designing shirts for the fabulous fan base affectionately known as 'LIASON.' For those who are unaware of the fan base, these are the diehard Jason Morgan and Elizabeth Webber fans from General Hospital!
While this little pairing has spawned a lot of debate (were they a couple or weren't they), it has also gathered a lot of attention considering the two characters have not appeared together as love interests for each other since October 2002 and have not shared a scene since December 2004. Yet, the fans base continues to grow by leaps and bounds!
The devotion to this pairing is a quite amazing. I myself loved the chemistry these two had (to me they were a couple). So, after creating the 'Elizabeth dress,' the Liason fans wrote me and were very supportive of my interpretation of Elizabeth. I decided to give back to them for all their support. After speaking with the lovely Brooke Arata at the 'Canvas,' it was agreed upon that I would design official Liason tanks and tees for the GHFW (General Hospital Fan Weekend).
Question was ' how to go about it? The answer was simple. Reach out directly to the Liaison fans. After getting feedback from the Liason fans about their most vivid Liason moments, it was decided to base the design on the infamous 'Studio Kiss,' or as us Liason fans know it 'the night they almost did.' Here is a little excerpt from Brooke Arata's feedback (a big Liason fan), and her observations at GHFW '
'Both the tanks and the shirts were a HUGE hit. When we were wearing them, we were constantly getting stopped because people were so interested in them. Many people expressed a desire to purchase a shirt or tank of their own. It came to a point where people knew we were the girls with the Liason tops and we were stopped and asked about them even when we WEREN'T wearing them.' 'Brooke Arata
With more than a dozen fans from The Canvas website clad in the stylish tank tops at Becky's (Rebecca Herbst's' fan weekend event), the Liason support came in loud and clear with cheers from the front rows. Upon seeing the shirts, Becky exclaimed, "I LOVE your shirts!" And Liason fans immediately gifted Becky with a shirt of her own so she could proclaim 'Liason is forever.' And by the way, the Liason presence didn't go unnoticed by Steve Burton, at his fan weekend event, Burton singled out the Liason fans by saying, "There you guys are!" Steve later pointed to one of the pink Liason tanks and exclaimed they were "So cool!"
Both actors signed Liason shirts so that the Canvas can auction it off on eBay, with 100% of the proceeds going towards The Smile Train, a charity close to Becky's heart.
Photo Credit: Brooke Arata
Look Like a Soap Star contributor, Danielle Orsino is a self-proclaimed fashion and beauty junkie. From mixing her own lipstick shades in high school to owning her own online boutique, she has seen it all. She always listened when people talked about what they loved and hated about products. Women told her about items or designers they found and what their closet was lacking. Guys asked about gift ideas for wives and daughters. While dishing out the advice, Orsino realized there was a bigger idea that could help everyone. She has always followed beauty and fashion and has been able to predict the next hot thing. But she didn't want to get caught up in fads. She chose a bolder path by adding a more glamorous element; reminding women of being a little girl and playing dress up like in the old Hollywood movies or like a favorite soap diva. The ideas meshed and DramaQueenStyle.com was born!