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Home Features Top of the Week Susan Lucci Ends Her Losing Streak!

Susan Lucci Ends Her Losing Streak!

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At the Daytime Emmys with Susan Lucci and Cameron Mathison

What a year to cover the Emmys! Bob Barker getting a life-time achievement award and the long-awaited acceptance speech of All My Children's, Susan Lucci! How happy she was to receive an Emmy after 18 losses. The audience greeted her with a standing ovation as she accepted the award. Rosie O'Donnell had tears in her eyes. Lucci's win was then met with overwhelming approval and another standing ovation as she arrived in the press room. It was quite a night, and a well-deserved win for the veteran diva of Pine Valley. I'll share all the details, including her touching comments of appreciation to the press, later this week.

Right now, I'm in flight to Los Angeles. It's been a jammed-packed month of May Daytime Emmy-wise in New York, and I've plenty of Inside the Bubble scoops and exclusive photos to share. Lucci's win was the highlight of the festivities, but there's tons more fun stuff to tell you about. Join me on the platform with Soap Opera Weekly Editor-in-Chief, Mimi Torchin and E! Entertainment's Todd Newton during the E! Pre-Show, and hear all about the Y&R, B&B luncheon at the Rainbow Room, and more. It may take a few days to get it all online. Please be patient and check back frequently for the articles to appear.

One personal highlight was Cameron Mathison (Ryan, AMC) winking at me with his big blues after I snagged a quick pic of he and Michael Lowry waiting in the wings to talk with Soap Opera Weekly's Mimi Torchin and E! Entertainment host Todd Newton. Gillian, don't let that Ryan get away, he is a charmer! Not half bad on the old peepers, either. ;o)

Plus, we will be uploading the results of the First Annual Daytime Cybby Awards. How did the actual recipients match up with your favorite stars? Check back later this week to find out.

Did you enjoy the CBS Emmy telecast? The Academy rotates the networks every couple of years so they all have a chance to let their daytime stars shine at night. Any gripes or compliments on the show itself (like why didn't the directors allow Susan Lucci to make her first ever acceptance speech in 19 years without having the orchestra attempt -- "attempt being the operative word! -- to stop her?), please share them in the Criticize the Critic Folder on the TRO Message Boards and don't forget to see how your favorites faired in the First Annual Turtle Run Daytime Cybby Awards.

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If there is an actor you'd like interviewed, or a question you'd like answered by producers, let us know. We can't promise, but we will do our best to make it happen. Click on the "Ask us/Tell us" link and submit your thoughts. Also, if you have an idea for a Weekly Poll, let us know. Submit your Weekly Poll suggestions via our "Ask us/Tell us" link.

We will be scouring the internet for the best fan sites online, and will bestow the Turtle Run Purple Turtle Award to those we feel are the most original and creative. Winners of the Purple Turtle Award will be linked at Turtle Run. Click on Links for submission guidelines.

If you would like to add a link to Turtle Run at your site, please email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for a .gif of our logo, "Bob, the Purple Turtle."

TRO Coming Attractions!

Emmys, Emmys and more Emmys! Exclusive pics and scoops. A candid conversation with Shawn Christian (ex-Mike Kasnoff, As The World Turns) about his life after soaps, complete with exclusive photos of the talented star. The real inside story of how a dedicated group of Cady McClain (Dixie, AMC) fans mounted an international campaign that wooed the actress back to Pine Valley. Exclusive interviews with Shemar Moore (Malcolm, Y&R), Kevin Spirtas (Craig, DOOL), Mick Cain (CJ, B&B), Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL), Jess Walton (Jill, Y&R), Elizabeth Hubbard (Lucinda, ATWT), Robert S. Woods (Bo, OLTL) Kristoff St. John (Y&R) and more! Stay tuned!

Till the top of next week,

The Top Turtle


  • Week of May 17, 1999 - All-Soap Channels
  • Week of May 10, 1999 - End of an Era
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