Daytime Newcomer Gets SOD Award Nomination in 2000
At Home With Lindsay
It's March 10th, the day of the Soap Opera Awards, 2000. Lindsay Korman, (Theresa, Passions) is nominated for Outstanding Female Newcomer by the editors of Soap Opera Digest Magazine, and has invited us to spend the day as she gets ready for the big night.
We arrive promptly at 9:30 AM. Lindsay's home, a quaint white cottage nestled at the base of the foothills of a southern California mountain range, appears tiny from the outside. We soon learn that appearances are deceptive.
Lindsay greets us at the door, fresh faced, beautiful, and smiling! Cuddling Nikki, her five-month old Pomeranian, she invites us inside where we meet Lindsay's mom, Wendy, and pride-and-joy number two, Lindsay's five-year-old Miniature Sheltie, Princess.
Decorated in earth tones, burgundy, and natural wood, Lindsay's home is warm, friendly and elegantly appointed. It seems as if very piece of furniture was made for the space it occupies. The kitchen boasts an interior fountain that lends the soothing hum of a waterfall.
The decorator? Lindsay, of course! "I love to interior decorate," she reveals with pride as she gives us the grand tour. "I've lived here almost two years. It looks so small from outside, but it's really not."
There's the living room, or as Lindsay says "the hang-out room with the comfortable, cushy couches," a bedroom, kitchen with breakfast nook, bathroom, office, and a beautiful backyard that overlooks the mountains.
Furnished primarily with imported Mexican products from her parents' Las Vegas furniture store, Lindsay explains that the fountain is a touch of feng shui. The wall art selections are from her favorite artists. The knickknacks have special significance. "I'm into fairy tales and angels and crystals and things that sparkle," she explains. "So I have all these sparkly, fairy tale, medieval things!"
Fitting, since we learn from Wendy that Lindsay's very first performance was in the fairytale Cinderella when she was about ten years old. "But she wasn't Cinderella," laughed Wendy. "She played the ugly step sister! She wanted to be Cinderella, but she was so good at being the ugly step sister."
Up until that time, little Lindsay was rather shy. On stage, she came alive. Her mother noticed this immediately. "When she did Cinderella, someone suggested that I should put her in a pageant. I thought it would be a good idea because of her shyness. The only time she was outward was when she was standing onstage."
So, Lindsay began competing in beauty pageants. "She'd walk up there in a little black velvet dress and was real shy and everything at first," recalls Wendy. "But all of a sudden, she'd just change and enjoy being onstage. She enjoyed being in the limelight. And I was like WOW! I was so glad I took the advice of that person because it definitely opened Lindsay up."
Lindsay shows us some of her most prized possessions. One, a rare print of the play Pygmalion in which she starred in Cypress as the beautiful statue, Galetea. "In Greek mythology," Lindsay explains, "Pygmalion is the king of Cypress who was also a sculptor. He carves a statue of the perfect woman, and falls in love with his creation. She comes to life at the end of the play, and they live happily ever after," she says with a giggle. Lindsay was delighted to find a copy of this print. "I thought Wow! I'd never seen a picture of that particular show. I'd never known they had any portraits or pictures of Pygmalion."
The phone rings. It's Lindsay's grandmother calling to send her love and best wishes for the Awards Show. "I love you, too, Gran," Lindsay coos into the phone.
Michael Parkes is Lindsay's favorite artist, and many of his prints are displayed throughout her home. "I find his work very peaceful," she admits. "It's fantasy oriented, and positive!"
We head back to Lindsay's nerve center. The office! "This is where I fax and compute and get online," she says. We sign on to Turtle-Run, and Lindsay thanks us for inviting her to be our premiere StarDay star! (Our pleasure!) Lindsay reads the posts in the ""To Theresa"" folder and is touched by everyone's kind words. "Awww that is so nice. That is really so nice of them," she says as she reads. "Oh look! Someone has my initials, LMK. That's so cool seeing someone else with the same initials!"
The whole time, Lindsay's dogs are not far from her side. Online she receives several Instant Messages but has difficulty typing with one hand, and holding Nikki with the other! She loves her dogs, and they adore her. Nikki has just mastered a new feat, and Lindsay is very proud! "She had been jumping on the couches, but just two days ago, she learned how to jump up on the bed!" Lindsay says with a laugh.
We talk a little about Lindsay's career to date. How was she able to keep up with school and her studies and appear in so many productions at the same time?
"I graduated a year early out of high school. With honors," she adds. "Then I went to UNLV (University of Las Vegas) for a year and a half. But I left college to go on Broadway and work in New York. I thought that it was really important at that time. I can always go back to school, but I don't know how many opportunities I'll have to appear on Broadway!"
In school, Lindsay went back and forth between theater and musical theater. "I couldn't decide what I wanted to do," she says with a laugh. "But I knew it was over there (in one of those departments)!" Interestingly, if she weren't an actress/singer, she would probably be a math teacher. "I will still do something that has to do with math and teaching kids eventually," she says.
It's getting close to eleven o'clock when Lindsay is due at the studio. Passions hair and makeup people are Lindsay's stylists of choice for the big night. One last thing I have to know before we head out. What was the first thing Lindsay did when she heard she got the Award nomination? "It was very unexpected," Lindsay recalls. "But it was very cool. I was really nervous about it back then. That was three months ago. It was awesome. The first thing I did was call my mom. She had flown into town that same day, which was very coincidental. Then I called my dad and my grandparents and my friend from New York, and just some of my closer friends. I didn't tell that many people at first, because I was nervous. It was like - whoa! This is so (amazing)! You know how you are," Lindsay quipped. "Your brain doesn't function that well when something really exciting happens. But I told my family first!"
"When I found out, I was so excited," admitted Wendy. "Lindsay got recognized for all the hard work she does! It was amazing."
With that, we packed our cameras, Lindsay grabbed her snacks -- pre-cut carrots and strawberries in case she got the nibbles during the day -- and it was off to the studio...
StarDay with Lindsay Korman continues:
- At Home With Lindsay
- Cinderella in the Making
- Lindsay on...
- The Awards Show and Party
Related Features
- Passions @ Soapdom
- Lindsay Korman Bio
- StarDay Main

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