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Home Features Inside the Bubble OLTL's Kamar de los Reyes

OLTL's Kamar de los Reyes

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On Tito Puente, Jr., Tessica, and whether Reyes is staying in Llanview


Soapdom had the opportunity recently to sit down with One Life to Live's resident Latino sex symbol, Kamar de los Reyes (Antonio). He was in LA on vacation, and sporting his 'vacation look.'  Ya gotta love that beard!  He was also in the midst of contract talks and shares his feelings about continuing to work on the soap he's called home for over ten years.  He likewise shares with Soapdom the fun he had playing with Tito Puente, Jr. when the son of the famed Tito Puente, Jr. appeared on OLTL several weeks ago and more. Read on'


Soapdom: Tito Puente, Jr. appeared on OLTL and you got to play with the band.  How was that for you?

Kamar de los Reyes:  It was a dream come true, first of all.  Tito Puente Jr!  Obviously, his father, Tito Puente, was a renowned percussionist -- the Count Basey of Latin percussion. He also was a friend of my father's.  He played with my father back years ago, so it was just an honor to be up there with Tito Puente, Jr.  I get to tell that to my dad.  So that was cool.  OLTL did an amazing job. They built this huge stage and they basically turned the entire studio into Capricorn Nightclub.  So aside from [the sets] you normally see on television, they built this. I mean it was monstrous and they did it beautifully. The set looked great and the performance was fun. Tito Puente, Jr. was tight and his band was kickin' and I just got up there and jammed with them.

Soapdom: Did you sing with him or dance?

de los Reyes:  I just played.  I played congas, percussion, yeah. 

Soapdom: I read your brother also has a new cd and you did back up vocals on that.

de los Reyes:  Yes, I did back up vocals on that.  I just recently sang a single for One Life Many Voices.  It's a cd that One Life to Live put together to raise money for the hurricane victims.  So I did a song on that cd.  That was a lot of fun.  Robin Strasser did an amazing job (putting that cd together) and hopefully it'll raise a lot of money for hurricane victims.

Soapdom: But you're a dancer too, right?

de los Reyes:  I used to be a dancer, yeah.

Soapdom: Is that how you started in entertainment?

de los Reyes:  Yeah, I started in the music theatre business.  Dancing and singing. I  kind of gave up on the singing part of it, and kept dancing and then dancing led to acting somehow and next thing you know I've been an actor now for about 17 or18 years.  Ten years on OLTL this year.  Ten years!

Soapdom:  Speaking of which, this whole triangle/quadrangle with Nash, Antonio, Jessica and Tess, how long will the arc go? Are they gonna play this out the rest of the year, or are they gonna wrap it soon?

de los Reyes:  I think they're still trying to figure out who the audience [wants to see together].  I ultimately think it's really gonna come down to who the audience wants more.  Jessica is gonna have to obviously come back, you know and Tess is gonna be a part of her life.  I mean Jessica is just not going to disappear.  Whether she will be more like Tess or whether she'll be more like Jessica is probably still undetermined.   I'm having a lot of fun doing it.  I think it's going to extend through March, as far as I know.  I don't know how much of that will involve me.  As I told you I'm on vacation right now. 

Soapdom: While you're here in L.A. are you looking at any pilot season auditions?

de los Reyes:  Oh, no, no'(facetiously) I'm under contract negotiations, so we'll see what happens.  As of right now, I'm having a blast and I would like to come back to OLTL.  But you know, it's certainly not etched in stone.

Soapdom: Do you mind if we talk about that a little bit?

de los Reyes:  Oh I don't mind.  As I said, I would like to come back and cause a ruckus, but that's up to the PTB.

As we all know, de los Reyes subsequently did re-sign his contract with One Life to Live, so we can look forward to that ruckus he promised!

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