Dear Suds Buds:
How do internet rumors get started? Recently a huge rumor hit the cyberwaves that questioned the very popular Roger Howarth's (Todd) tenure on "One Life to Live." Before you check below to see how it all came about, let me say that the rumor is NOT TRUE!
Speaking of rumors, when it comes to "Days of our Lives," you can shove any rumors aside. TRO's got all the facts on "Days of our Lives," straight from Executive Producer, Ken Corday! Plus, keep scrolling for a candid chit chat with DOOL's popular Matthew Ashford (Jack).
And don't forget. When you want to know where your favorite daytime celebs are appearing around the country and Canada, TRO highlights star appearances every week right here in "Top of the Week." Read on...
Those Nasty Internet Rumors
Last week I received an email from Kristine, MrsDrBean, the VP of Roger Howarth's Fan Club. It requested that I check out a new petition campaign. The link led to where Katherine Thurston, the Guide at One Life to Live on was promoting a campaign to keep Todd and Blair and Nora and Sam together as couples. Thurston had gotten a tip that the direction of the writing for some Llanview couples may change, and she, as a fan of both Todd and Blair and Sam and Nora, along with the fan club presidents for several of the actors, wanted to be sure that their favorite couples were not separated. Thurston stated very clearly that she was promoting this petition as a fan, not in any official capacity, and that those who would like to participate could do so easily by downloading a postcard that she created on her site, and send it to the powers that be at "One Life to Live." She went on to say that if anyone did not agree with the premise of her petition, they should not sign, and she asked not to be flamed for her personal opinion as a fan on this issue.
For me, it was pretty cut and dry. Thurston is a fan of Todd/Blair and Sam/Nora, and as such, was behind a movement to keep her favorite couples together. However, many other OLTL fans took her comments in a far different way. They interpreted her petition campaign to mean that Roger Howarth (Todd) was leaving the show! Say what?
"I had promoted other petition campaigns before," said Thurston over the phone last week. "I didn't see anything wrong with starting one of my own."
Little did she know it would begin a major internet rumor!
"I think the way this rumor started was because I said that the story direction may shift so that Blair ends up with Sam. And people got the impression that meant therefore, that Roger was leaving the show."
Thurston published her petition campaign on Sunday, February 3rd. Almost immediately, she received emails regarding Howarth's status. "People began writing me claiming that I was saying that Roger Howarth was leaving the show. Which is completely wrong," she declared. "I never said anything about Roger leaving. "I must have received about a dozen (emails) to start. Then, I started hitting the various message boards and started seeing a lot of comments regarding the petition and Roger leaving."
Thurston's only intent in posting this petition was to garner support for keeping her favorite couples together and to send that message to the writers and producers of "One Life to Live." "But I never said that (Howarth was leaving). I never even meant to imply that. Which is also why I came out with my official statement." The statement was posted on the About site from Tuesday to Friday of last week, and said that Thurston stands by the campaign as a fan, but that the vicious rumors are not true.
Although the ABC spokesperson for "One Life to Live" is aware of the entire misunderstanding, she will not comment on internet rumors or contract status. Kristine, MrsDrBean, Vice President, OFFICIAL Roger Howarth Fan Club assures us, however, that Howarth's contract runs until June, 2003. Howarth's going to be with us for quite some time!
Thurston would like to thank those who emailed their support after her posting the statement that she never meant to begin any rumors in regard to Howarth. She has recently posted a final statement on the situation at
Q&A with DOOL's Ken Corday
Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ken Corday, EP of "Days of our Lives." He was more than forthcoming in regard to where the show is headed. Armed with several insightful questions from TRO's own StevieM, plus a few of my own, I hit Corday hard. Here's what he had to say:
Ken Corday on....
....what to expect in the near future: "We are going to give the viewers what they've been crying out for for the last few years. In the first six months of this year, lots of desserts and some big surprises are going to be given to the viewers. I can't be more specific than that." Stay tuned. and romance. "There will be much more romance, especially for the couples that we want to see be romantic."
....on multi-generational stories and more air time for veteran characters. "The fans will be satisfied if they keep watching."
...on Austin Peck's departure. "Yes, Austin Peck is leaving the show. His last air date is sometime in April. The character of Austin is a very important one. It could be recast, or Peck could return in the role at a later date."
....super couples. "I don't believe in super couples. I think that they are a trap. When you have a cast of 25 equal actors and if you single out two, four, or six as super couples, the second they walk on the set, everyone else might as well drift off because here's John and Marlena, or Bo and Hope, or Jack and Jennifer, or whoever. That's why it's good to keep everyone guessing who's going to end up with whom. I would say that it's pretty sure that John and Marlena and Bo and Hope are married for the duration. I don't see the point in (messing with that). They are adults. They have children. Why break them up?
....on the rocky road ahead. "But there will be some obstacles along the way. You have to have conflict to have drama."
LMS: Are you looking to bring Lisa Rinna back as Billie?
KC: We are talking to her, but she is also up for a pilot for SoapNet. We will know more by the end of this month.
LMS: She has been quoted as saying that she would love to do both, following in the footsteps of Kelly Ripa on "Live with Regis & Kelly" and on "All My Children."
KC: We couldn't do that because she has to be available to them three days a week, and we would only have her two days, and we don't know which two days that would be. That's a very impossible production exigency to deal with. We could not do it. People either have to be here or not. You're on Days or you're not.
LMS: So you are waiting to see if the SoapNet pilot gets picked up and if it doesn't than you would be interested in moving forward with her?
KC: Right.
LMS: Any plans to bring back Stephen Nicols and Mary Beth Evans?
KC: That's funny you mention them. I got an email from Mary Beth after the People's Choice to congratulate us. But as far as bringing back the characters, probably not for the next six to nine months will Patch and Kayla, or Kayla, then Patch, return to Salem. (TRO NOTE: Pay specific attention to that last comment. Kayla would return first. Then, Patch!) That's a definite. However, she may make an appearance at some point in time, early summer, late May? But right now we have 25 characters who are all carrying a lot of story. If Patch and Kayla came back, it would mean that two or four of those characters would lose their airtime. There is just no room at the Salem Inn right now.
LMS: There is some concern out there that the characters of Jack and Jen -- let me backtrack. Of late, the younger characters have been front burner, and the long time viewers are anxious to see more of their veteran favorites. With the recent change in the writing staff....
KC: ...I am going to get ahead of you. I think if you look at the show from the wild party that Lexie had right before Christmas, through the Christmas show, the day after Christmas with Bo and Hope and their retrospective, and moving forward into January, you are seeing what I consider to be a very well-balanced show. You are seeing John and Marlena and Bo and Hope and Jack and Jennifer, twice as much as you are seeing any of the kids' stories. That balance has been re-achieved in the show. But that's not to say that Shawn and Belle, and Chole and Brady and Philip and Jan aren't important. Their stories are just as important, but their stories are now linked to their parents. And vice versa. As opposed to having them over here and Mom and Dad over there, sometimes miles away.
LMS: Back to Jack and Jen. The fans perceive that Jack's actions since he's been back have been clownish, and that Jen has been a shrew. Will that continue and or will we see those characters acting differently?
KC: We are going to see a much more serious side to these two characters come March or April. Jack is playing a game, as always, but you can't get away with playing a game forever. He knows the house of cards will come down around his head. Then he will have to pick himself up, dust himself off, and start all over!
LMS: How much credence, if any, do you put in fan comments. Not so much the information you glean through focus groups and other market research, but the comments you receive in mail, email, or read on message boards?
KC: Tons. The adage is, as taught by my parents, for every fan letter you read, it represents 1000 opinions. Of course, since the hateful anthrax scare, we have been a little loath to deal with hands-on fan mail. We have been reading a lot of email and internet sites. After the first of the year, we decided to open fan mail again. I put a lot of credence in it. That's the buyer. You have to make the buyer happy. If the viewers are saying we're not happy, and you continue to turn deaf ears, then you are going to end up somewhere besides on television!
LMS: Does it ever color or shade your character development?
KC: I would say it does. I can't tell you to what degree in percentages. But it does. If we love a character and they write in that they hate the character and we don't want them to hate the character, we pay attention.
LMS: How do you get your new writers?
KC: We usually cull from within. It's much easier than going out and getting a hired gun. It's best to find someone who has been on the show, knows the rhythm of the show, and is able to step up without a learning curve. (The learning curve) can really destroy a show. Especially, if that writer wants to get rid of half the cast and bring in another ten new players. It's happened in my time here, and you learn from your mistakes.
Chit Chat with Matt
After his return to "Days of our Lives" a little over six months ago, Matthew Ashford is still having the time of his life. I caught up with him recently, and here's what he had to say:
LMS: How do you like being back and how do you like the way your storyline is going right now?
MA: I love being back. It's like putting on an old jacket that's well worn, but still fits and feels good when you wear it. I have had a lot of fun, and they have written really fun things for me to do. I open up the script and I never know what's gonna happen next. It's a fun way to come into work. I don't know what Jack is going to do, or what he won't do, to get what he wants.
LMS: What would you like to see happen to the character?
MA: At a certain point I'd like to try and get the newspaper (The Spectator) back.
LMS: Do you think that will happen?
MA: I don't know. There's nothing wrong with having big obstacles, but if you (were to) bring back Vern, and try to hire Jennifer... If I can't get her back in the sack, at least I could get her back working behind a desk! That would be fun. We have our personal differences, but okay, Jack would say, okay I respect you as a writer, and I want you to work for me.
LMS: Is there any hope for Jack and Jen?
MA: There's always hope. That's what keeps us going. Jack feels like they are together, even though they are not. Everything is about her. I am always working some angle that always points back to her at the end of the day. We can be at each other's throats, but that doesn't mean that I am not still crazy about her. The fans can pick that up. I think they picked that up years ago. I was trying to pawn her off on Emilio, but they said, we see right through you. I would hope that we always keep working right around each other. If you get everything you want (today), then there's no reason to get out of bed tomorrow.
LMS: Do you think that Jack will develop true feelings for Greta down the line?
MA: True feelings as opposed to what he has now?
LMS: Yes!
MA: I think he is. I think he surprises himself by going wow, I feel bad that I used you like that. I think those feelings are there. The great thing about a daytime on-going program is that you can take your time in developing those things.
Now on SoapCenter, as of Friday, February 8, 2002
Behind-the-Scenes: As The World Turns' Valentine's Day Episode As the World Turnscelebrates Valentine's Day with its first-ever all-musical episode. The director, writer, choreographer, music director and actors reveal what it took to produce this landmark, stand-alone episode. Musical numbers include Abigail and Adam (Kristina Sisco and Craig Lawlor) singing "Up On the Roof," and Tom and Margo (Scott Holmes and Ellen Dolan) performing "More Than a Woman."
Style: All My Children's Finola Hughes
From PineValley to TriBeCa! All My Children'sFinola Hughes (Anna) loves to shop, and she takes Peggy Bunker along as she visits some of her favorite stores in lowerManhattan. Also included: Finola gives Peggy a lesson in the finer points of afternoon tea.
At Home: The Bold & the Beautiful's Sean Kanan
Actor Sean Kanan portrays the dark, shady Deacon on The Bold & theBeautiful. This week he offers a tour of his home that has a Far East flair and an extensive art collection.
Behind the Scenes: Young & the Restless' Peter Bergman
Young & the Restless star Peter Bergman (Jack) takes viewers on a rare backstage tour of the top-rated CBS soap. Plus, Peter sits down to discuss everything from his wife, Mariellen, and their two children, to his Emmy-winning performances.
Premiering Friday, February 15, 2002
Getting Personal: A New York Firefighter's Dream Come True
New York Firefighter Bill Riccardulli has always dreamed of appearing on a soap -- and As the World Turns made his dream came true. Watch this real-life hero tape his big break withTerri Colombino (Katie).
Storyline Spotlight: Rafe and Alison Make Love on Port Charles For months, Port Charles' Alison (Erin Hershey) has been fighting feelings for Rafe, (Brian Gaskill), an angel -- despite the fact that she's involved with Jamal. Well, Rafe and Alison are finally ready to make love. What will be the consequences of this celestial pairing? The actors and head writer James Harmon Brown offer their thoughts.
General Hospital and The Colby's Emma Samms
Emma Samms relives some of her favorite '80s moments as Holly on GeneralHospital playing opposite Tony Geary (Luke). She'll also reveal how Tori Spelling helped land her the part of Fallon on Dynasty and The Colbys,which currently airs on SoapNet. Plus: Her life experiences as a mother and her new role in the PAX-TV movie, Pretend You Don't See Her.
**TRO Disclaimer: The above SoapCenter segments are scheduled in advance and may be bumped without notice for airing at a later date. The above segments may then be replaced with other segments. Check your local listings.**
As the World Turns: John Jeffrey Martin plays the director of Katie's workout video on Monday, February 11th. Jayme McDaniel, Caesar Samayoa, Angelo Fraboni, Peter Connelly, Lawrence Bullock, Davis Kirby, Alec Timmerman and Brad Anderson appear in Lisa's fantasy on Thursday, February 14th. Richard Roland and Sally Mae Dunn appear as a young Bob and Kim on Thursday, February 14th.
Days of our Lives:Ryan Scott returns in the role of Harold on Tuesday, February 12th. Tim Thomerson portrays business tycoon Oliver Wentworth on Tuesday, February 12th. Aleanna Day portrays Marge Rhodes, Jan's counselor at the abortion clinic, on Tuesday, February 12th.
Guiding Light: Jerry Tellier plays a police officer on Monday, February 11 and Friday, February 15. Jenny Eakes and Michelle Powers play nurses on Tuesday, February 12. Rufus Collins plays Richard's lawyer on Tuesday, February 12. Carla Brothers plays Nancy, a political spinmeister Cassie consults with, on Tuesday, February 12. Joseph Masi returns as Maurice on Wednesday, February 13. Elizabeth Roby plays Danny's nurse on Wednesday, February 13. Ryan Shively plays the Assistant D.A. on Wednesday, February 13. Tommy Dewey plays a frat boy on Wednesday, February 13 and Thursday, February 14. Jonathan Walker plays Chief Franklin on Wednesday, February 13. Heather Parcells plays the Chief's daughter, Missy, also on that date. ChristyBaron plays police officer Edna, beginning on Thursday, February 14.
Passions:Radio personality Sean Valentine will make a guest appearance on Monday, March 4, 2002
Young & the Restless: MichaelChinyamurindi as Isaac on Thursday, February 14, 2002. Kyle Santiago appears as Erica on Friday, February 15 and Jack Betts appears as Roberto. On the same day, Meg Bennett begins airing again as she reprises the role of Julia. Kelly Kruger begins in the role of Mac on February 19. Marc Senter appears as Jake, Stacie Riggs appears as Terri, and David A. Williams appears as Lois all on Wednesday, February 20. Chad Gordon appears as Troy on both Wednesday and Thursday, February 20 and 21, 2002. Sam Behrens appears as Maxwell Hollister on Wednesday, March 6. Soap fans will remember Behrens from his roles on GeneralHospital and SunsetBeach. Bill Birch appears as Ted Boyarsky on Friday, March 8. Sally Champion appears as Pat Stewart on Wednesday, March 13, 2002.
Seeing Stars
All My Children: At 10 PM ET/PT on Wednesday, February 27, 2002, Jennifer Bassey (Marian) will guest star on Law & Order on the NBC network. (Some appearance info provided by SEAHAAS.)
As the World Turns:Trent Dawson (Henry) will star in Molière's "The Miser" at the Geva Mainstage in Rochester, NY. Dawson plays Cléante in this snappy translation of the classic comedy. "The Miser" runs from January 8 to February 19. For tickets, call 585-232-GEVA (4382) or visit their website at Paul Leyden (Simon) appears at Sears, located at The Streets at Southpoint, 6910 Fayetteville Road in Durham, NC from 12:00-2:00pm on Saturday, March 23. For more information, call 919/572-4500. The As The World Turns Fan Club Luncheon will be held on Saturday, April 13, 2002 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm. The luncheon will be held at the Marriott Marquis Hotel, 1535 Broadway, New York, NY. Tickets are $90.00 for non-fan club members and $85.00 for current ATWT Fan Club Members. A $15.00 non-refundable deposit per person will reserve your seat in the order it is received. Checks and money orders are payable to: As The World Turns Fan Club Luncheon Tickets, P.O. Box 647, Merrick, NY11566-0647. Colleen Zenk Pinter ("Barbara Ryan") and her husband Mark Pinter will perform a reading of Love Letters at the Marco Island Film festival in Marco Island, FL on Thursday, April 18. For more information call 941-642-3378
Days of Our Lives:Steve Blackwood (Bart) headlines a concert of his jazz tunes at The Jazz Bakery in Culver City, California on Monday evening February 18th. The Jazz Bakery is located at 3233 Helms Avenue. Admission is $17.00 and the show begins at 8:00 PM. For reservations, please call 310/271-9039. On Saturday February 23rd and Sunday February 24th , Matt Cedeno will be appearing at the world's largest custom auto show at the Kentucky Fair and ExpositionCenter in Louisville, Kentucky. On Saturday, Matt will be appearing from 1:00 PM -- 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM -- 9:00 PM. On Sunday,Matt will be appearing from 12:00 PM -- 4:00 PM. On Saturday, February 23 Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip) and Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe) will appear at the Sears grand opening at the Warm Springs Promenade located at 1245 W. Warm Springs Blvd in Henderson, NV, 89014. They will be appearing from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM. For more information call 702-855-5151. On Saturday, March 9th, Kyle Lowder will be appearing at a Health Expo in Chico, California at the Chico Mall. He will be appearing from 12:00 PM -- 3:00 PM. On Saturday, March 23, Matt Cedeno will be appearing at the Sears store opening at the Cottonwood Mall in Albuquerque, New Mexico from 1-3 PM. The address is 1000 Coors blvd. N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87114. On Saturday, March 30th, Matt Cedeno will be appearing at the Sears store opening in Annapolis, Maryland at the Westfield Shoppingtown Mall from 1 -- 3PM. On Saturday and Sunday April 20 and 21,Kevin Spirtas appears at a benefit for the Children's Cancer Foundation in Baltimore, Maryland. The event takes place at 1052 Flagtree Lane, Baltimore, Maryland21208. For ticket information, please call 410/486-4744. ATTENTION ALLCANADIAN FANS: On Sunday, July 14th, Jason Cook and Kyle Lowder appear at Canada's Wonderland Theme Park in Toronto as part of Joyce Becker's Soap Opera Festival. Show times are at 1:00PM and 3:00 PM. For park information, call 905/832-7000.
Guiding Light: Paul Anthony Stewart (Danny) will star in the exotic and engaging new play, "Pera Palas" by Sinan Unel on the C. Newton Schneck Mainstage at the Long Warf Theatre in New Haven, CT. Previews begin Wednesday, January 16, 2002. The show opens on Wednesday, January 23 at 8 PM and runs through February 17, 2002. The play is directed by "Guiding Light" director Steven Williford. Call the box office at 203 787-4282. Jordi Vilasuso (Tony) will make a personal appearance at the Giant Eagle store located at 41 Towne Center Drive in Leechburg, PA from 12:00- 3:00pm on Saturday, February 23rdFor more information, call 724-845-9298. Jordi Vilasuso (Tony) and Jessica Jimenez (Catalina) will appear at Sears, located at The Streets at Southpoint, 6910 Fayetteville Road in Durham, NC from 12-2pm on Saturday, March 2. For info, call 919/572-4500. Ricky Paull Goldin (Gus) will make a personal appearance at the Sears store in the Harford Mall at658 Bel Air Road in Bel Air, MD from11am-1pm on Saturday, March 23 . The Marco Island Film Festival in Marco Island, FL will host "Brunch in Springfield" on Sunday, April 21. For more information, call 941-642-3378.
One Life to Live: Spend Valentine's Day, Thursday,February 14 with Kassie and James DePaiva (Blair and Max) as they perform "Love Letters," at the Historic Dunellen Theater in Dunellen, NJ. Showtime is 8 PM and tickets are $25.00 (no refunds or exchanges). Call 632 968-9019 for info. On Sunday, February 17 meet Ty Treadway (Troy) at the Southern West Virginia Women's Expo, RaleighCountyArmoryCivicCenter, Beckley, WV from 2-4 PM. Call 304 877-5692 for info.
Passions: On Saturday, February 16, Passions Director Phideaux Xavier will be presenting " The Secret Files of Passions" at the 13th Annual Gallifrey One Science Fiction and Fantasy Media Convention in Van Nuys, CA. It will take place from Friday, February 15 through Monday, February 18 at the Airtel Plaza Hotel in Van Nuys, CA. Phideaux's presentation of Passions will take place at 11:00 a.m. in Programming Room #3, across from the main ballroom. Tickets to the event are $50 at the door for the full weekend, or a daily rate of $25. For more information visit On Saturday, March 9 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. join Justin Carroll (David), Ryan McPartlin (Hank), Marianne Muellerleile (Norma) and Tracey Ross (Eve) and other entertainment and sports celebrities in a Celebrity Bowling Classic to benefit The Foothill AIDS Project, whose support services include case management, family support, mental health counseling, food pantry, subsistence abuse programs and outreach to hundreds of clients and at Covina Bowl, Covina, CA (626) 339-1286. Justin Carroll (David), Ryan McPartlin (Hank), Lindsay Korman (Theresa) and Dana Sparks (Grace) have just confirmed that they will join Galen Gering (Luis), James Hyde (Sam) and McKenzie Westmore (Sheridan) as they sign autographs and chat with fans on Saturday, March 16 from 12 Noon to 2:00 p.m. at the West Side Pavilion at Pico and Overland in Los Angeles, CA. All proceeds from this autograph signing will go to Galen's favorite charity, 'New Leash on Life.' Cost is $10 for one signed headshot of one of the celebrities. $5.00 for a photo opportunity with one of the celebrities (taken with your camera -- safety shots included!) and $35 for a package deal of a signed head shot and a photo with each celebrity (a savings of $10.00!) The autograph signing is located at the covered bridge between Nordstroms and Westside II, near Barnes and Noble. The Westside Pavilion islocated at 10800 W. Pico Blvd., West Los Angeles, CA. ATTENTION ALL CANADIAN FANS: Galen Gering (Luis) and Jesse Metcalfe (Miguel) will make a personal appearance at a Soap Opera Festival on Sunday, June 16 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Paramount Canada's Wonderland theme park in Toronto, Ontario, CANADA. The appearance will be held in the theme park's 5,000-seat amphitheater and will be a question and answer session. For more information, call Wonderland Theme Park at (905) 832-7000.
Young & the Restless: On Sunday, March 3, 2002, Christian LeBlanc will host the "Run for a Reason" St. Jude's Benefit in Garden Grove, CA. For info call 800 227-6737.
Email the Stars
*Send email to stars of Passions This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . *Send email to stars of All My Children, One Life to Life, General Hospital, and Port Charles at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it *Post your comments to your favorite actors on's Message Boards and we will email our contacts at the networks who will pass on your posts.
Bubbles Busted? Snail Mail TPTB!
All My Children: Audience Information, ABC TV, 77 W. 66th St, NY, NY 10023
As the World Turns: CBS TV, 51 W. 52nd St, NY, NY 10019
Bold & the Beautiful: CBS TV, 7800 Beverly Blvd, LA, CA 90036
Days of Our Lives: NBC TV, 3000 W. Alameda Ave, Burbank, CA 91523
General Hospital: ABC TV, 4151 Prospect Ave, Hollywood, CA 90027
Guiding Light: CBS TV, 51 W 52nd St, NY, NY 10019
One Life to Live: ABC TV, Audience Information, 77 W. 66th St, NY, NY 10023
Passions: CBS Radford Studios, 4024 Radford Ave, Studio City, CA 91604
Port Charles: ABC TV, 4151 Prospect Ave, Hollywood, CA 90027
Young & the Restless: CBS TV, 7800 Beverly Blvd, LA, CA 90036

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