Wedding bells rang despite a confessions of love and of the greatest deceit. Ava readies herself to marry Bill as she grows more and more pregnant. Both are thrilled with the future they have ahead of them. Two people seem to be standing in the way, with the exception of Ava’s own lies of course. Lizzie and Remy. Jeffrey admits to Lizzie that Ava used donor sperm to impregnate herself in hopes that she will use the information to stop the wedding. Lizzie struggles with hurting Bill, because she really is a good girl now, but decides to tell Bill.
While Lizzie is trying to break into her own house the day of the wedding, Remy slips in under Olivia’s watchful eye and confesses his love to Ava moments before she is going to walk down the aisle. Ava claims she wants Bill, but there is great hesitation. I don’t think Ava really knows what or who she wants. Everyone is the greatest love to her, until she is finished with them.
Bill is angry beyond words when he confronts Ava, but goes forward with the wedding unable to face the guests after making such a fuss all these weeks. Stipulations have been laid out for Ava so wedded bliss is not going to be so blissful.
My biggest question and criticism of the wedding is: who was in charge of wardrobe? Whoever put Reva in the way too short backless, plunging bust line dress needs to be drug out into the middle of town and shot. Olivia looked the best, though the dress looked like it could have been left over’s from Dream Girls, and the low cut neck line did not show a scar that should have still been bandaged or at least red and fresh looking. Nothing but beautiful skin, someone was sitting down on the job in make-up.
Most of this week’s episodes were devoted to the wedding which I felt was a little extreme considering the wedding went off as planned and nothing was really accomplished in the way of great developments. I had high hopes for the turn of events for this week. I looked forward to each day until I saw it was all for nothing other than a wedding I’m not in favor of and no high drama. GL did a great job with anticipation leading up to the nuptials. The overwhelming truth about Ava’s baby’s father was so anti-climatic, I don’t care from here on out what happens to Bill or Ava.
I was a true champion for Bill and Lizzie. But the way Guiding Light has continually dropped the ball with this couple, I’m so ready to see Bill lie in the bed he made and Lizzie move on finding true happiness.
If you tuned in and watched the wedding and pre-wedding activities I’m sure you will agree with me, I’m glad we don’t have to watch Lizzie march up and down the Spaulding driveway, anymore. (Hopefully?!) I felt this week gave too much air time to Lizzie simply walking.
I am still holding out hope for real excitement and nail biting anticipation because Guiding Light can pull something out of nothing when they try. I would be thrilled to see something come of Bill’s ominous statement just before he and Ava walked down the aisle; with gritted teeth and loathing in his tone, Bill predicted “till death do us part” Could this have been a hint as to what may be in store for this couple? A murder mystery would be good for Springfield, they haven’t had an out and out “who dunnit” in some time.
Earlier in the week Josh learned Cyrus was the man doing the deed in the barn with Cassie when she cheated. The fight was comical to me. I love Robert Newman/Josh Lewis but that fight was so phony. No way Josh could beat up Cyrus.
Cassie finally got what she has had coming for a long time. I loved seeing Reva finally put Cassie in her place, letting her have it as only Reva Shayne can. It’s about time Cassie learns, just because she has endured a hardship or two in life she isn’t the only one, and she can’t go around saying and doing whatever she wants.
I am looking forward to watching Alan, Beth, Peyton, and Lizzie living, and making a life, in Harley’s old house. Alan commented that the first thing needed to be done was to finish painting. Finally! Please Alan if you don’t do anything else productive for the rest of the year please make sure those walls are painted. Otherwise if the Spaulding’s stick in there it could be entertaining, I’m hoping we get to see more of them living like the Average Joe.
My final note to close out last week’s episodes of Guiding Light is…. Thank God they followed through with the traditional Bauer Barbeque. I swore if they didn’t do it I would not watch any longer. I feel considering only Rick is left they did a good job and pulled it out at the last minute.
I would have preferred the BBQ to be at the Bauer house as it usually is, but at least it was still called the Bauer Barbeque and Rick was present. I thought it was so sweet and very fatherly when Rick was showing off his burger flipping skills to the next Bauer in line, Jude.
The opening scene where Rick was talking to Ed on the phone and he mentioned Michelle and Danny was great. Beth also bringing up all the old school Bauer’s was a breathe of fresh air for true and long time Guiding Light fans.
With the new filming format I have to say I was quite envious that I wasn’t at this year’s Bauer BBQ. It looked like the adults were having more fun than the kids on all of the big toys they brought in to entertain guests.
Like the residents of Springfield I hope you and your family and friends had a safe and happy 4th of July.
Until next week Guiding Light fans keep your light shining as Springfield keeps theirs’ shining for us.
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