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Home Shows General Hospital General Hospital Check Up General Hospital Check Up - Week of July 6, 2015

General Hospital Check Up - Week of July 6, 2015

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Lucky reunites with Jake

Jonathan Jackson (Lucky, GH)So Jake is alive. But with this reveal comes some questions. First, how did Jake survive when he was hooked up on life support and considered brain dead? Second, did Josslyn really get Jake's kidney? I guess I don't understand how Jake went from dead to alive, courtesy of Helena. I mean these are valid questions that need to be addressed soon.

I do like the fact that Jake is alive. For one thing, it means that Elizabeth will get her child back. And it means Luke didn't kill Jake on that horrible night. It kind of makes sense given that

all of Luke's loose ends are being tied up neatly since Tony Geary decided to retire.

As much as I love Luke – and I always have – I do recognize that he has some serious flaws. For one thing, he killed his parents. One accidentally and the other not so much. Luke also raped Laura. And Ethan is the product of Luke's infidelity.

So here's the thing – Lucky couldn't say enough good things about Luke. Now Lucky knows all about the past. But it seems a bit odd that he seemed to bypass all of Luke's mistakes. Perhaps Lucky has come to terms with the fact that his father is only human? Still, it would have been nice if Luke's short comings were at least discussed by father and son.

Even so, it was such a pleasure watching the two characters interact. For me, Lucky was and will always be Jonathan Jackson. It's fitting that Jackson returned for Luke's farewell.

So Lulu didn't react well when she learned that Dante kissed Valerie. Imagine what Lulu will do when she learns the rest of the story. And Lulu will learn the truth eventually. The question is, what will she do about it?

I think Lulu and Dante both messed up. His mess up was bigger and much more serious than hers was though. Without real proof, Dante crossed a line. And it's an action that can't be changed. The only thing that will make things worse is if Valerie ends up pregnant. It's a soap opera cliché but still possible and likely.

In actor news, young Jim Nigbor returned to the role of Jake Webber, Elizabeth and Jason's presumed dead son. Watch for the upcoming return of veteran actress Finola Hughes (Anna). Finally, fans are buzzing about a possible romance between Kelly Monaco (Sam) and Billy Miller (Jason). The two were seen together over the recent holiday weekend. So far, neither actor has commented officially.


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