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As the World Turns News

As the World Turns Campaign Targets DirecTV

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As the World TurnsSoapdom has just learned that it is quite possible that DirecTV may be interested in airing As the World Turns after the soap is canceled on CBS. The Facebook Group, "We Won't Give Up on As the World Turns" sent out a message to their members that an As the World Turns fan wrote to DirecTV and got a reply. According to the missive, DirecTV said:

"...they might consider picking up the series and they said that if enough fans e-mail them they might pick it up. Go to the


An Open Letter on ATWT's Cancellation and the Daytime Emmy's from ATI President, Jim Romanovich

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Associated Television InternationalIn support of soap operas, the president of ATI, the production company that produced the Daytime Emmy's last year on The CW and is now in talks to produce the 2010 show, gets candid about the cancellation of As the World Turns and the future of soaps in general. He takes us Inside the Bubble(tm) of the industry  in his open letter to www.Soapdom.com. (Published with permission)

Dear Soapdom,

A few weeks ago I made the announcement that ATI would be picking up our option to produce the next Daytime Emmys which means that we have agreed


CBS President Les Moonves Tosses Soaps Aside

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Marie Masters (Susan, As the World Turns)In the tail end of an interview with CNN reporter, David Farber, head of CBS, Les Moonves, is asked about the cancelation of As the World Turns today.  You wouldn't believe his response.  This is his reply:

"The days of the soap opera have changed very much. Guiding Light left earlier this year and As the World Turns will leave later next year. They've had long

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Linda Marshall-Smith (QueenRuler, www.Soapdom.com)
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