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Home Shows As the World Turns As the World Turns News

As the World Turns News

Inside the Bubble with As the World Turns DVD collection’s editorial director, Roger Newcomb -- Part 1

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Former As the World Turns Anne Sayre with Roger Newcomb (c) Gustavo MonroyOne day last summer yours truely (Soapdom's very own Linda Marshall-Smith) got a call from Broadway Video out of New York City.  They shared that they just negotiated a distribution deal with Procter & Gamble’s Telenext Productions, the producers of soap operas As the World Turns, Guiding Light, Another World, etc.

How exciting!  I knew fans would be more than ecstatic to learn that they would soon be able to get their favorite soaps on DVD, but even as I became privy to what was to happen and was chomping at the bit to share the news with all Soapdom, I was sworn to secrecy.  I can now reveal all!


SoapClassics Mark Yates and the As the World Turns DVD collection

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Mark Yates, President, SoapClassicsA native New Yorker who calls Chelsea home, Mark Yates is no stranger to marketing and distributing television offerings. One of the masterminds behind the As the World Turns DVD collection now available at soapclassics.com, he started with Showtime, and then to Broadway Video in 1994.  In 2007, he split BVDM off from Broadway video, and then became president of BVDM (Broadway Video Digital Media).  SoapClassics is a division of BVDM, and as its president, Yates brings that wealth of distribution experience to marketing one of Procter & Gamble’s most beloved soap operas – As the World Turns.  


SoapClassics official press release on As the World Turns DVD set

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Meg Ryan and Frank Runon (Betsey and Steve, As the World Turns)Twenty Classic Episodes of As the World Turns to be Released On 4 DVD Set

New York, NY, October 19, 2011.   SoapClassics has announced the release of twenty classic episodes of As the World Turns on a 4 DVD set.

As the World Turns ran for more than 54 years on the CBS television network, concluding its run in September of 2010. During its tenure, it garnered over 100 million viewers worldwide.  It won 62 Emmy awards, and was the top-rated daytime drama for 20  years.

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Linda Marshall-Smith (QueenRuler, www.Soapdom.com)
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Past Blast

Days of our Lives' Eileen Davidson loves playing Kristen

Eileen Davidson of Days of our Lives said that playing the role of Kristen Di Mera is "fun, exuberating, and exhausting", but think about it, what actress would not want to play her?

"I know! The part is so well written that whatever I'm doing I enjoy doing it," Davidson said. "The character of Kristen has I mean... done it all."

Admitting that someday she'd like to see Kristen give birth, but of course she can't have children. "Wild" and "Can't even imagine" is how Davidson described having a baby would be.

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