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Home Shows All My Children

All My Children

All My Children Episode Recap, Monday, March 29, 2010

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Jacob Young (JR, AMC)Annie dodges a bullet when she's able to destroy the divorce papers Colby arranged to have delivered to Adam. JR promises Colby he'll take care of Annie. Annie privately panics when JR tells her he knows all about the divorce papers. JR takes notice of Adam's growing closeness to Brooke.

Later, Ryan restrains David until Jesse arrives and arrests him. Greenlee insists to David she's going to stay by his side and do


All My Children Episode Recap, Friday, March 26, 2010

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Jacob Young (JR, AMC)JR works to convince Annie he's had a change of heart about her while being interviewed by Brooke for the Tempo article she's working on.

Using Annie's phone, Colby leaves a text message for Liza telling her to send Adam the


All My Children Episode Recap, Thursday, March 25, 2010

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Julia Barr (Brooke, AMC)Adam's patience wears thin when Annie continues to make everything about her. Colby overhears Annie leaving a message for Liza telling her to move forward with drawing up divorce papers just in case she needs them. JR readily goes along with Brooke's idea of using his ordeal as the basis for an article in Tempo as he privately sees it as a way to further


All My Children Episode Recap, Wednesday, March 24, 2010

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David Canary (Adam, AMC)Annie vents her frustrations over Brooke's presence in Adam's life to Liza. Adam and Annie's romantic interlude doesn't go as planned. Annie seethes when she spots Adam and Brooke in what appears to be an intimate moment.

Later, Adam refuses to allow David to keep hiding out at the mansion. David admits to Greenlee it's time he stopped running. Upset over the thought of losing him, Greenlee wants David to find a way to


All My Children Episode Recap, Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Michael E. Knight (Tad, AMC)Tad hits the roof when he sees Damon drinking with Liza at Confusion and drags him home. Angie suspects Damon's on drugs and he admits it's true. Tad's in no mood to forgive Liza, accusing her of being as vindictive as ever by using his son to go after him. Tad gives Damon a dose of tough love.

Jesse has Greenlee arrested hoping to lure David out of hiding but Jack quickly gets her released. Greenlee's surprised to find

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Past Blast

Days of our Lives Melissa Archer says Serena is sort of interested in herself

A veteran of daytime television Melissa Archer, who now plays Serena Mason on Days of our Lives, said that playing the role is just another day and it's just going to work.

Archer played Natalie Buchanan on One Life To Live for ten years until the show was cancelled in 2011.  She then switched to the now defunct online version.

"I look at this job as going to work," Archer said. "I love what I do. Serena is so much fun, and she has a lot going for her. She does many things and is sort of interested in herself."

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