Monday on As the World Turns Parker Snyder had a tennis tournament that Liberty showed up for running her mouth. By the end of the week she was doing other things with her mouth, like kissing Parker. Parker’s dad caught them and was going to tell Liberty’s parents but didn’t. Also in Oakdale sweet little Sophie tells Paul she is pregnant. She hopes it is his but knows it could be Cole’s.
Phoebe overheard Steffy and Marcus talking on the beach and tells her dad what she heard, on Bold & the Beautiful. Ridge and Phoebe can’t believe that Marcus is Donna’s son. When Ridge tells Eric, Steffy defends Marcus and figures out Phoebe was the one who told on him, Steffy is angry with her twin sister.
Big trouble for Daisy on Guiding Light after Cassie discovers Daisy is still in love with G. All of Daisy’s family is trying to keep her away from G. Ashlee, Daisy’s best friend, isn’t doing too much better with men. Ashlee tells Coop that G was flirting with her and she flirted back. Coop is angry and breaks up with Coop. Later Ashlee catches Blake in Coop’s bed but nothing really happened, she was just sitting their. Blake wanted something to happen but Coop said no, Ashlee was hurt anyway.
On Young & the Restless Devon’s was in for a shock from his past when his aunt and cousin arrive at his house. They stay in Genoa City. This week was also Lily’s birthday and Amber gets a new important assignment at work. She is going to be an animated character for Restless Style.
Jumping channels, on All My Children Colby’s dad gives her anew car for her birthday making her brother jealous. Colby acts like she doesn’t know why Adam is giving her a car but she tells her friends he is using her for business. Tad uses Kate to convince his brother Jake that he should stay in Pine Valley for family. Kate is sad and won’t eat, but Tad doesn’t really notice.
Oh no! Spinelli is in the hospital now. It looks like he is going to be okay but he loves the attention he is getting from Maxie and Leyla. Claudia is concerned for her new friend too but Jason doesn’t like her hanging around the Jackal. Spinelli discovers Claudia has feelings for Jason.
Having friends over? Here’s a some fun ideas that will make them feel welcome and treat everyone.
Whether it is a sleepover or family and friends visiting have ice cream for breakfast!
Breakfast Ice Cream Sandwich: Take one Pop-Tart and cut evenly in half. Scoop 3-4 tablespoons of ice cream onto the pastry (back) of one half of Pop-Tart and top with the other half pastry (back) side to the ice cream.
Borrow mom’s blender for a breakfast shake that is good anytime. Place 2-3 scoops of vanilla ice cream (per person you are going to serve) in blender with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and your favorite jelly (per person you are going to serve). Blend and serve in a tall glass with a colorful straw for a PB&J Shake. *Chunky or creamy peanut butter can be used.
Still haven’t gotten enough sweets? Make personal pizzas for breakfast or a snack.
Toast one half of an English muffin, lightly butter then top with peanut butter, and your choice of raisins, fresh apple slices, chocolate chips, shredded carrots, dried banana chips, fresh banana slices, crumbled pretzels, or anything else you like to eat with peanut butter.
Okay, now it is playtime! Turn your playtime into craft time or have welcome gifts for your guests when they arrive.
Make a personalized play pack for the boys and girls headed to your house for a summer visit. Ask mom or dad, politely, to buy you a variety of puff paints and any combination of the following items to decorate.
Make sure all your items to be decorated are plain so you can get creative. Many of the articles listed to decorate can be found at the dollar store.
Frisbee, flip-flops, reusable water bottle, bottle of bubbles, beach ball, pail & shovel set, or visor
Pick a theme and decorate each item with your guests initials and/or name, depending on the size of the item. Be neat and don’t go over board but be creative and have fun. After the paint has dried on each item fill pail with personalized gifts and some candies. Feel free to use stickers or fancy embellishments you have lying around the house.
*For the bubbles, cut a strip of paper that is the same width of the label on the bottle, color and decorate. Wrap tightly around bottle and tape with clear tape or glue. This is a fun favor for a birthday party as well.
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