As a writer, we sometimes write something out of the unusual. Well...I guess my time has come. It is about the big red plastic comb. Ok you're saying what? Did he lose it? No! Not yet.
Why does a big red plastic comb have importance? Well...because there is a story behind it, and the story involves Galen Gering (Rafe) of Days of our Lives.
It all began two years ago when Gering was in the Chicago land area for the Days 'Better Living' book signing. I covered the event. Now, I'm the type of guy that always likes to look my best. Not sure it always works, but I carry this big red comb in my pocket, by no means the average looking comb.
After the book signing event Gering came up to me and said that he had been looking at that comb for two hours (jokingly). It seemed to have fascinated him, as it does everyone I meet.
I always joke that it was a gift from Bozo, and I told Gering the same thing.
As a reporter, I cover many events and usually Gering is at the events and every time we see each other, it is always "Where's that comb?" Or "do you have that comb?" In fact, at the recent Emmy Awards as Galen walked the red carpet, he still found time to come up to me and ask about that comb.
Well...I knew I had to do something. And the only logical thing is to buy Gering his own comb. Keep in mind, he has the greatest hair, but hey...this will be a conversation piece.
OK let the journey begin! The comb was a little over a year old, and of course, I couldn't remember where I bought it. But I knew I had to find it. Went to every store and had at least ten people out looking.
My home was full of notes reminding me to find that comb for Gering. The refrigerator, the bedroom dresser, the kitchen table, and dare I say it...even a note on the John. During the endless journey, still nothing. And of course...every time I'd see Gering, he would say "Where is that comb?"
My response was that someday I will find it. A day to remember. May 15th, 2014. I walked in to a department store in Chicago and I almost lost my breath. There it was in the mens department starring right at me. I think I screamed.
I did not care about the price, or whatever else I came in the store for, because I knew I had to get that comb. I even bought a few more. After all...this is not your average comb. Who knows when it will tickle someone else's fancy, or Gering may need a new one.
This past November 8th, at the Day of Days event on Universal City Walk in California, I presented the comb to Gering. However, with my luck there always must be drama. I knew he would be there, but of course I left the comb at the hotel. First thing when Gering entered and saw me, was where's the comb?
I could not leave the event, but I made a friend run back to the hotel, and as they say...the rest is history. Mr. Gering you now have your special comb, and I guess you can say some Bozo bought it for you!
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