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Home Shows Guiding Light Guiding Light Episode Summaries

Guiding Light Summaries

Guiding Light Episode Recap, Thursday, September 10, 2009

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Ron Raines (Alan, Guiding Light)Episode # 15,757----Rick informs the waiting family that the procedure went well and now they just have to monitor how Phillip's body responds and how well Alan recovers. James tells Daisy that Phillip should've let him be the donor and James worries that Alan's body won't be able to handle it. Phillip and Alan slowly come back to awareness. Rick tells them things look good so far. Lizzie tells Bill that she feels like today is a beginning for their family. Josh and Reva play with Colin, Henry and Sarah. Reva jokes about what Henry is going to call Josh. Reva introduces Sarah to Daisy, then Reva takes a picture of her grandkids. Rick tells the family that the patients are past immediate danger and says they can visit Alan and Phillip. Lizzie rushes in and hugs Phillip, and then fills him in on how everyone is doing. James tells Jonathan that Alan is doing
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