Two big secrets are revealed
Silas finally learned that Nina can walk. But the question is, what will he do now? Clearly Silas is suspicious of Nina – he’s starting to doubt things about her. It’s about time too. It was hard to watch such a strong character become so clueless. I really hope Silas learns all of Nina’s secrets and kicks her to the curb.
The sad truth is that Carly has always been a cheater. She cheated on Tony Jones with AJ. And she cheated on Jax with Sonny. Remember when we first met Carly, she stole her mother’s husband (Tony) and had an affair with him. So it seems Carly is just being herself. Sad, but true.
The person I don’t understand in all this is Sonny. I though Sonny was hopelessly in love with Connie. Then it was Olivia. Now, according to Sonny – he belongs with Carly. Is Sonny in his right mind? Sometimes I wonder.
Perhaps Sonny can’t face being alone. He keeps jumping from one woman to the next.
Is there a chance for Jason and Elizabeth? I sure hope so. It’s so touching the way Elizabeth is drawn to Jason (Jake) when she doesn’t even know who he really is. And Jason seems just as drawn to Elizabeth. It would be nice to see this couple find happiness, finally.
In the “perfect” Port Charles, Jason would be with Elizabeth, Robin would be with Patrick, Sam would be with Silas, and Franco would be with Nina.
In actor news, Antonio Sabato, Jr (ex Jagger) will dance again this week on ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars.” Tyler Christopher (Nikolas) and his wife are expecting their second child. Christopher’s son Greyson recently turned five.

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