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Home Shows As the World Turns As the World Turns ~ What in the World? As the World Turns, What in the World? Week of July 7, 2008

As the World Turns, What in the World? Week of July 7, 2008

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The Snyder kids pay for their parents' mistakes. Paul and Meg tie the knot. 


I would like to apologize for the late publication of What in the World? for the week of July 7, 2008. I had company from out of town that has dominated much of my time for the past week. This will be short, due to my inability to view the entire week of ATWT.

At last Paul and Meg get married! I can’t believe it finally happened and I’m glad, at least for now, we don’t have to watch another desperate break up between them.

I’m not sure how I feel about the future of Paul, Meg, and the Sophie murder anymore. I liked seeing Sophie acting so crazy but I fear the future of this story will be a long drawn out affair with an anti-climatic ending. My favorite part of this plot is, we get to see lots of Barbara, as Barbara, up to no good.

Mike Casnoff has been turned into a catty woman. I’m just in disbelief that a hunky good character has been led to the soap opera slaughter. I don’t feel I can ever come back as a Mike fan after this horrible

Lordy, lordy, what can I really say about the Snyder love dramas. Even Luke is becoming exhausting to watch. Jack and Brad seem to be spiraling out of control. I watch this storyline and sometimes wonder if I accidentally flipped the channel to another soap or dorky sit-com. Pairing Jack with Janet was too predictable.

To some degree the soaps aren’t fun if there isn’t a bit of predictions that come true making the viewer feel as a real part of the show, but this hook-up went beyond predictable. I’m so disappointed in Jack and Brad. I’m beginning to believe some new characters are needed, or better yet bring back some of the greats from the past to breathe a breath of fresh air into this show that is in a slump right now.

I feel very sorry for Parker and Liberty who are forced into being the adults in their relationships with their parents. I’m about sick of Parker’s constant sulking and acting as if the world is an insult to him; but when it comes to the dysfunctional public love lives of his parents, aunt, and uncle I can understand his unhappiness.

Maybe it is time for Parker to take a backseat and let JJ have more airtime. Now, that is a kid with a reason to hate the world, yet he is always upbeat and enjoyable to watch.

It’s only going to get worse when word gets out that Holden and Carly have been playing a little more than spin the bottle at camp. Once again the children are going to pay the ultimate price for their parents screw ups. No wonder women on the soaps go around hating each other, they learn from an early age their friends can’t be trusted. I can’t imagine Sage, Faith, and Natalie will continue to be friends when their parents break up and hook up. Summer is coming to an end and the need for the young crowd on screen won’t be as necessary so possibly we can escape the Lily, Holden, Carly affair without the Snyder girls whining.

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