As the week begins...
Dylan races to save Nikki, Avery confronts Joe, and Victor grills Phyllis for information. Will Phyllis come clean?
In the meantime...
Michael receives unexpected news, while Nikki's dependence on Paul irks Christine. Will Paul have to make a choice?
By mid week...
Ashley and Stitch try to focus on their secret project at Jabot, Kevin tries to get through to Mariah, and Sharon reaches out for help. Will Kevin's approach help him to bond with Mariah?
Shortly thereafter...
Phyllis meets Kelly, Lily calls a truce with Hilary, and Chelsea makes a decision about her future.
Finally, the week wraps up as...
Victoria accuses Billy of causing trouble for Stitch, and Phyllis takes matters into her own hands! Will she be sorry she did?
Find out when you tune in to the Young and the Restless this week!
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