As the week begins...
Devon pressures Hilary to make a decision, Jack and Kelly face a crossroads in their relationship, and Stitch gives Victoria an ultimatum. What will she do?
Ashley's announcement catches her family off guard, Billy makes a confession to Chelsea, and friends and family remember Delia.
By midweek...
Neil's surprise rattles Hilary, Nick bonds with Avery, and Joe reaches out to Cane for help. Is Cane emphathetic?
Shortly thereafter....
Victor comes home with interesting news, while Paul's plan hits a snag, and Nikki receives a shocking phone call. How will she handle it?
Finally the week wraps up as...
Michael and Lauren get their groove back, while the search for Ian Ward troubles Dylan.
Will things work out all round? One way to find out. Tune in to the Young and the Restless this week and see!
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