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Home About Royal Court Marla Jones, Columnist

Marla Jones, Columnist

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Columnist, "Come Clean"


Marla Jones Marla Jones became a new member of the Soapdom Royal Court in 2007.  She writes the monthly "Come Clean" column.

Most know Jones as an IT geek. But little do they know that beneath all that techno-babble beats the heart of a long time and avid daytime soap fan!

Hailing from Ohio, Jones graduated from Bowling Green State University
with a Broadcast Journalism degree but took a turn and pursued corporate America. She soon fell into IT and joined the ranks of the millions of cubicle people! But she never lost her enthusiasm for writing nor the soaps.

Along with her monthly "Come Clean" contribution to www.Soapdom.com, Jones is the owner of Your Professional Helper, (http://www.YPHLTD.com ), a time savings solutions company, specializing in Organizing, Virtual Assistant and Concierge & Errand services.

"'Come Clean' expresses my opinion of the good, the bad and the ugly of what is going on in soaps today," shares Jones.  "And I am always full of advice and suggestions of what the producers and creative teams could do to shake things up and make soaps better! I would hate for soaps to go the way of albums and tapes (can we say relic?)"  

Check out the "Come Clean" column each month to find out Jones latest rant. But, what say you? Soapdom and Jones want to know what's on your mind.

"I always want to know what you have to say," says Jones. "I thoroughly enjoy a spirited chat!"  So join in the discussion every month with Marla Jones and "Come Clean." 





Linda Marshall-Smith (QueenRuler, www.Soapdom.com)
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Past Blast

Inside the Bubble ~ Kelly Sullivan

Getting to know ‘General Hospital’s’ Kelly Sullivan

During a recent trip to Michigan, Kelly Sullivan (Kate/Connie) was gracious enough to grant Soapdom an interview.

Sullivan and co-star Lisa LoCicero (Olivia) were in Michigan to host a fan event in the beautiful city of Troy.

The talented actress was more than happy to chat about her new experience in daytime, as well as the road she traveled before arriving in Port Charles.

Soapdom: How old were you when you did your first Broadway show? Was your desire to be a theater actress?

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