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Home About Royal Court Lesleyann Coker, Columnist

Lesleyann Coker, Columnist

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What bursts her bubble and what puts her in bubblicious bubble bliss?

Lesleyann Coker is a contributing monthly columnist for www.Soapdom.com, and co-author of Boob Tube, a satirical novel currently being shopped to publishers that examines what really goes on behind the scenes of the soap opera industry. 

Coker, who has been contributing to Soapdom on and off since 2001,  is a former reporter for

Soap Opera Weekly magazine, and has interviewed over 200 daytime and primetime actors during her career.

Graduating from USC with a degree in political science with an emphasis in journalism, Coker will share her thoughts on the state of soaps every few weeks in our Busted to Blissful column. For Coker’s take on what’s right and wrong with today’s soaps, check out Busted to Blissful every month.



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