Please join Clarke School-New York together with Kassie and Jim DePaiva, stars of ABC-TV’s One Life to Live, for a one-night only benefit featuring the photography of their OLTL friends and colleagues, Bob Bessoir (Lighting Director), Michael Easton (John, One Life to Live), John Kenny (Scenic Designer), and Rob Santeramo (Technical Director).
SAVE THE DATE Tuesday, May 20, 2008
From 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM
To be held at the Danese Gallery
535 West 24th Street, 6th Floor, New York 10010
For details, please call Christina Sanborn at 212-988-8304
Clarke School–New York is one of five schools of the renowned Clarke School for the Deaf. Our New York professionals work with families and young children in our vibrant parent/infant, toddler and preschool programs. Advances in hearing aid and cochlear implant technology coupled with a Clarke education allow deaf and hard of hearing children to achieve success on par with their hearing peers. Today, Clarke is working with more than 10,000 children and adults annually through our educational programs, professional training, curriculum development, research and support to mainstream schools.
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