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Home News Newsflash As the World Turns' New Lily is Noelle Beck

As the World Turns' New Lily is Noelle Beck

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As Martha Byrne departs, ATWT confirms new star begins airing May 8th


Noelle Beck (nuLily, As the World Turns)Soapdom can now confirm that As the World Turns has hired Noelle Beck to replace Martha Byrne in the role of Lily.

Beck last starred in several episodes of the short-lived primetime series Cashmere Mafia as the "other women."  Soap fans may remember her from her days on Loving as Trisha.  According to some published reports, Beck was in the running with Susan Haskell. 

Byrne opted to not renew her contract with the soap after 23 years when the show could not agree to give her the same guaranteed episodes as she had in her previous contract. 

Beck is beautiful and seasoned, but Soapdom does not envy her this role. She is stepping into a huge fan favorite character's shoes and we can only hope she will be well received. 

As for Martha Bryne, she intends to focus on her charitable work with St. Jude's Children's Hospital, her music, and after a vacation, will dive into pursuing other projects.  She also wishes her replacement the best in the role. "I only wish whoever it is the best of luck," Byrne said. "She will be working with an incredible group of people."  When asked if she'd ever consider working again for CBS she replied:  "I've worked for CBS since I was eleven years old and would work for them anytime!"

Byrne's last tape date was March 14th. She will air through April. No first tape for Beck was available at press time, but we just learned that she will begin airing Thursday, May 8, 2008.

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sjm55 said:

I am beyond sad that Martha is leaving us smilies/cry.gif. That said, I really do like Noelle and wish her the best. Having to step into this role that has been Martha's for so many years is a major task. I'm hoping the "naysayers" will give her a chance. That means more than a week or two. I wish her the best in this undertaking. As for Martha, she'll have our love and admiration for years to come and I, for one, hope to see her pop up somewhere else on daytime tv.
March 29, 2008
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