Stephanie Gatschet, formerly Tammy on Guiding Light, is heading to All My Children. It's only a recurring role. Check Soapdom's News>Casting Coup section for more info.
Hi Lola. I am with you. Stuart's death has caused quite a blow to everyone in Pine Valley. Who knows. Maybe he is not really dead. This is, after all, a soap! :)
Last replied by QueenRuler on Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Very interesting theory, postalgirl. I love how you think out of the box, or should we say "out of the valley," in this case. LOL. That would really be a twist if if was Adam himself. So, you're thinking that because he was out of his right mind thanks to the devious Dr. Dave's pharmaceutical concoction, he was really attempting to commit suicide, but instead shot his twin by mistake?
Last replied by QueenRuler on Sunday, 14 June 2009
Hi AMC groupies! I invite everyone in this group to check out and join 2 new fun groups I have created as my own awards for the guys, gals, and shows i love! The FANny Awards is just like a mock Emmy awards and the HOTtie Awards is just based on looks! Join, NOMINATE, and VOTE!!
I can't wait to see who and what you Pine Valley fans vote for!
Welcome to my All My Children Fans group. Of all the soaps out there, I gotta admit, there is a special place in my heart for All My Children. No matter how wacky the show gets, and believe me, it can get pretty wacky, it still keeps me coming back for more. LOL