As fans wait with baited breathe for their first glimpse of Jonathan’s return on Guiding Light, Soapdom has some of your long awaited answers regarding the return
of Springfield's bad boy and his portrayer, Tom Pelphrey.
Yes, Pelphrey has some additional film under his belt with the long running soap opera Guiding Light. His mini return in July just left fans wanting more. The first question on this interviewer's tongue was, “When will we see Jonathan back in Springfield?”
Pelphrey chuckles knowing he can’t reveal too much about the long awaited return
of the best bad boy we have seen in a long time, possibly ever. “Soon, real soon. I
don’t know if I even know the exact day. Guiding Light is wanting to keep
Jonathan’s return really secret. It will be this month though.”
Jonathan left under great circumstances, and the character has had a lot going on
off screen, as the show has kept Jonathan very much alive and active, not to
mention the book, “Jonathan’s Story,” that picked up where the show left off. What
can we expect for Jonathan when he returns?
“Jonathan is going to come back for reasons different from why he decides to stick
around,” Pelphrey revealed. Ohhhh! That sounds juicy. Is Jonathan going to be in Springfield for a while? And if so, what can we expect or look forward to?
“Lots of anger!” again chuckles from Pelphrey. “Jonathan is the same person, only a little wiser.”
Soapdom wants to know about a time table. Is this another three-day stint or is Jonathan here to stay?”
“I have six weeks committed to Guiding Light currently. I’m not going to count
anything out right, now.”
Soapdom understands that Guiding Light is working with some new creative ideas. How does this effect Jonathan?
“By the time changes come to Springfield -- the changes you are referring to --
Jonathan is going to be grateful for the life he has been given. He’ll be somewhat
satisfied with what he has accomplished in the short time after he has come home.
Jonathan’s return is going to be intense at first but he will make peace with
certain things in his life that have been forgotten until now. Jonathan will find
he has friends in town that he didn’t before.”
Now that we know a little about what's to become of Jonathan, what'ss in store in the future for Tom Pelphrey?
“Right now my focus is on my family, mother and brother, and projects outside of
Guiding Light. Maybe more Guiding Light in the future, who knows?”
Who were you looking forward to seeing most upon returning to set?
“The caterer!” and he laughs then gets serious thinking about his answer. Pelphrey
didn’t think too hard “ Everyone, really each and every member of the cast is so
great at what they do and as people. Kim (Zimmer, Reva) of course, but everyone. It felt really good to be back on a set I was so familiar with.”
Personable as always, Pelphrey was a delight to interview. His laugh is infectious as is
his character on and off screen. I hope to see a long run for Jonathan Baines
Randall of Springfield, and Tom Pelphrey a very talented young actor.
No matter his role, though fans as well as myself hope to see much more Jonathan
in the future, we are sure to be drawn in and entertained. Soapdom welcomes back Tom Pelphrey to Guiding Light, adding: “On behalf of us here at Soapdom and your many fans we hope to see you in this role again and often! No matter the path you choose best of luck to you!”
Welcome home Jonathan!
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