When General Hospital aired today on the east coast, Genie Francis (Laura) tweeted live with fans and couldn't contain her enthusiam at returning to Port Charles.
"I am so excited to be back," she tweeted. She shared some comments on the new cast. "I love Dante (Dominic Zamprogna)." "I love Teresa Castillo as Sabrina. She is doing a great job and is such a sweet girl."
Francis also had a few comments regarding her former love on the show, Luke (Tony Geary.)
"I love Tony and Jane (Elliot, Tracy) together. I especially love when she is mean to him!"
She was also impressed to see the show "breaking the fourth wall, with the 'One Life to Live' comment."
She asked "What do you think has brought Laura back to Port Charles?"
"Her Grandbaby," Dionne Warren replied.
"Laura wants to reconnect with her family," chimed in Chuck Snnitchier.
"Something to do with with the Cassadine curse brings her back," believes Laura Blaes.
"I don't know why she is back but I secretly hope she is married to Scott and Luke is about to steal her away all over again!" enthused Alivia.
Francis next tweeted, "I am happy to get to work with Tony and Kin (Shriner, Scott). I love the use of GH's great history."
As all General Hospital fans who have not been living on Mars for the past three years know, this April, GH will celebrate it's 50th anniversary. Francis, who was interviewed on the local Los Angeles news last week, revealed that she also turned 50 this year. "I am as old as the show!"
In anticipation of this monumental milestone, Francis is not the only former fan favorite to return to Port Charles. Jack Wagner (Frisco), Jackie Zeman (Bobbie) and Kin Shriner (Scotty) among others are also returning to help the show and its loyal fans celebrate the soap opera's longevity.
Meantime, Francis continued to tweet how much she enjoyed working with today's director, Scott McKinsey, and noted how wonderful it is that the soap opera continues to keep Laura's memory alive.
"Thank you so much for all the GH love," she tweeted at the end of the hour. "I am thrilled to be back and look forward to sharing this with you."
Follow Francis on Twitter @geniefrancis and General Hospital's 50th anniversary #GH50
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