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Home Days of our Lives Days of our Lives Episode Recap, Monday, October 5, 2009

Days of our Lives Episode Recap, Monday, October 5, 2009

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#11179----Philip finds Chloe at the hospital and sees her engagement ring from Daniel. They speak about Kate marrying Stefano. Philip gives Chloe Lucas' signed annulment papers.

Kate and Stefano have dinner at Chez Rouge and talk about Stefano's health. Philip walks into the restaurant and sees the "happy couple."

EJ forces Nicole to confess that she lied and Sydney is not her biological daughter. She

insists they're still a family and Sydney is still their baby.

Sami applies for a job at Chez Rouge. Maggie has nothing available for her but a sympathetic ear. Sami confesses that missing Grace seems to be getting harder rather than easier. Maggie encourages her to find something to do with that love in her heart.

After taking extreme measures while escaping Lawrence's clutches, Carly boards a plane bound for Salem. Meanwhile, Bo talks with Justin about his anger at Hope for leaving with Ciara. Later and unbeknownst to Bo, he receives a call from Carly...

Mia meets with Brady on the pier. She confesses that she told a few people about the baby. She tells Brady that she broke up with Will to stop Chad from looking for their baby. Chad arrives and talks to Mia about their problems. Will shows up and sees that they are back together. Mia tells Will that she wishes things were different.

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