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Home News Casting Coup Tale of Two Todds

Tale of Two Todds

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Real life soap opera in contract talks


Roger Howarth (Paul, As the World Turns)Trevor St. John (Todd, One Life to Live)There are rumors afloat regarding the contract status of both Trevor St. John (Todd, One Life to Live) and Roger Howarth (Paul, As the World Turns; ex Todd, One Life to Live).  From what we gather, and from what the New York Daily News is reporting today, both Howarth and St. John's contracts are due to expire and neither have gotten the kinds of re-signing packages they are after. 

In the case of Trevor St. John, he allegedly asked for the world and guess what -- he got it.  Yet, he was still not satisfied. He went back in and asked for more.  As of today, it is unclear as to how the powers that be are taking to his change of heart and additional demands.

While on the other side of New York City at the As the World Turns stages, Roger Howarth, who won a Daytime Emmy for his portrayal of Todd Manning on One Life to Live, is likewise unhappy with an alleged pay cut he was asked to take for his next contract as Paul. Word is he balked at the suggestion, but stopped short of walking off As the World Turns and perhaps back to One Life to Live.

Which leads me to this. It wouldn't be that unusual for Trevor St. John not to come to terms with One Life to Live.  If Howarth likewise remains disgruntled with the pay cut situation and cannot come to an agreement with As the World Turns, he frees himself up to return to One Life to Live. Question is would One Life offer the Emmy-winning Howarth another shot at Todd?  He played the character much darker and sinister than St. John, who adds a lightness and even a sense of humor to the role. It would be a step in a different direction for One Life to return to Howarth as Todd.

One thing is certain. Howarth is in a better position for leverage than St. John.  It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

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