In a nutshell...
Ridge has an uncomfortable revelation. Deacon makes a shocking announcement. Hope puts her foot down regarding who is allowed to be part of her child's life. Caroline makes a crucial career decision and Maya is more determined than ever to win back Rick.
As the week begins...
Ridge has a sudden and unexpected epiphany. Hope and Wyatt learn shocking information about Deacon and Quinn. What do they all find out?
Speaking of...
Hope, she soon issues Deacon a stern ultimatum about his budding romance with her new mother-in-law. Does he take her feelings to heart? Then, Ridge and Caroline come to an agreement about the future of their working partnership. Will they be able to work together in a copacetic fashion for fashion's sake?
By midweek...
Ridge purposely omits a crucial piece of information when speaking about Caroline to Katie. What does he refrain from sharing? Later, Carter makes a valiant attempt to convince Maya to stop interfering in Rick's marriage. Do his efforts pay off?
Shortly therafter...
The energy at Forrester Creations is palpable as everyone awaits Eric's announcement of who will be the new CEO. Any guesses? Soon, however, Rick anticipates that he and Caroline will be the ones running the company as Eric and
Stephanie once did. Is he on the money?
The week winds down as...
A series of unfortunate events unfold after Eric's announcement about the CEO position. Is anyone at risk?
Finally, Katie divulges Ridge's strategy to obtain the position as CEO of Forrester to her sister. How will she take the news?
Tune in to The Bold and the Beautiful this week and see.
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