As the week begins...
Ridge and Eric have opposing opinions about who should run Forrester Creations. Caroline is having a difficult time dealing with an influx of unexpected emotions. Does she turn to anyone for help?
Shortly thereafter...
Aly questions Hope about her reasoning for staying with Wyatt instead of reuniting with Liam. Will Hope come clean? Caroline confronts Ridge about his true intentions. How will he react?
By mid week...
Quinn makes an attempt to convince Wyatt to allow her back into his life. Later, Hope and Liam come face to face for the first time since her decision to remain in her marriage to Wyatt. How will they handle the encounter?
In the meantime...
Liam and Ivy toast to the start of a new beginning together over a romantic dinner. Quinn pressures Hope to allow bygones to be bygones and to give her another chance. Is she receptive?
Finally, and speaking of Quinn...
He blindsides Deacon with a heartfelt confession. How does Deacon react? The week wraps up as Caroline confides in Ivy about her latest encounter with Ridge. How will Ivy take the news? Find out when you tune in to the Bold and the Beautiful this week.
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