I just want to scream over the relationship woes of the Snyder’s. My first inclination is ATWT is trying to make a Tammy and Jonathan (of Guiding Light) out of Parker and Liberty. The whole shameful first time of sex with their somewhat cousin while there is suppose to be deep feelings there, deeper than anything the adults could begin to fathom? NO WAY! Back to the drawing board, if that is the goal because GL hit pay dirt with Jonathan and Tammy. Two very defined characters and personalities. Whether it be the writing of the show or the dynamic chemistry between the portrayers of Jonathan and Tammy will go down in the history books of all time greatest love stories. Parker and Liberty have exhibited little more than pre-teen angst, not even real teenage issues or developed their own personalities beyond hating the world around them. Wow that hasn’t been done on TV before has it?
The saddest part is, Parker and Liberty are much more interesting than the love lives of their parents. Holden and Lily simply make me sick. I want to cheer for Carly and Jack whether they are together or apart, but Jack acts so silly most of the time I find it hard. Carly, poor, Carly. She’s chasing Jack and she is the bad guy. She’s not and she’s the bad guy. I know she is a troublemaker, but look at what she is surrounded by, no wonder.
Janet is too stupid to know what end is up. She asks Jack to keep Parker and Liberty’s sexual rendezvous between them and she is the first one to blurt out minutes later that Parker and Libby Lu had sex. I thought she was suppose to be all tough and street smart? I enjoyed seeing Jack and Janet fight Wednesday. Their relationship came too easy so a little turbulence was good. As much as I dislike Janet I have to side with her in that argument. Goes back to what I said last week. Snyder men say one thing, do another, and expect miracles out of the women.
Brad is on a downhill run that is going to ruin his character. I never expected greatness or profound things out of him but even for Brad Snyder he is acting too ridiculously stupid.
Lily just trips me out. I’m glad this isn’t real life and she isn’t my friend, because I would have to laugh in her face. The fact that she has the nerve to complain and act all hurt and innocent every time she is around Carly and Holden is tragically comical that she is that disillusioned and self-absorbed.
I think viewers have had enough of this Lily, if we can’t have the original and only (Martha Byrne) then it is time for Lily to meet her end or leave town. Maybe another extended trip to visit Iva would be in order.
Word has it Dusty will be returning to ATWT…..what is this going to mean for Lily and Holden? I’ll bet Lily will drop Holden and her “hurt” in a heartbeat if she thinks she can bed Dusty one more time, even after the way he humiliated her just before his death for Emily the prostitute. I haven’t heard yet how Dusty will be returning considering his death was not a missing body, but a very public viewing of the body. Regardless it is sure to be good because I always welcome Dusty Donavon to Oakdale.
So, Natalie and Faith return from camp, and after the scene Lily caused leaving Holden behind to hitch a ride back to town with Carly, the first thing they have to report is gay marriage is legal in California? What a bad place and way to plug what ATWT feels is a very important public service announcement. They do know that Luke and Noah isn’t the first gay couple on daytime, for that matter ATWT? Duke, John Dixon’s oldest son was gay back in the 80’s when entertainment and the world was just coming around to the idea. The new writers need to really catch up, they are only making fools of themselves forgetting their show’s own history. Luke and Noah are cute, I could do without Noah’s whining, but they are cute and they are gay. Why does this have to be a gay awareness storyline? It would speak more for society and the viewing public giving us credit as open-minded and accepting, rather than assuming we have to be educated on gay rights.
I didn’t like the Cyndi Lauper bit a month ago, but I overlooked it as a one time event. Now that Noah has come to terms with his sexuality and his psycho dad isn’t stalking them the show cannot write anything of substance or let them be a normal couple? Van Hasis is a strong actor and I hate to see his talents wasted on stereotypical stuff Will and Grace was letting the supporting character of Jack do years ago.
If it isn’t one thing it is another for Allison. I believe in trying and trying again, but this girl needs to face facts she doesn’t have what it takes to be a nurse.
I don’t know how I feel about this new poisoning storyline. I found myself intrigued as everyone was afflicted and working through the strange symptoms Friday, but to step back and look at the plot it seems pretty lame.
I just know I’m glad I don’t live in Oakdale and need medical assistance. There is Meg the negligent nurse, Allison the druggy and apparently dumb nurse-wannabe, Dr. Rick Decker walking around town after being a convicted serial killer, Dr. Susan Stewart who has less of a backbone than a one celled organism. and “I’m too sexy for my stethoscope” Chris.
I’m not turning my back on the town poisoning storyline yet. It has potential, unfortunately potential to go either way. I’m going to hope for a surprising and interesting conclusion, I want to hang on every episode like I did when I was younger and watched the soaps.
I simply don’t know what to make of Emily and Casey getting married. It all happened so fast, and too casual even for a Justice of the Peace deal, I didn’t know if it was really happening. Emily flying through her vows was a bit strange. There are a lot of other people that could have rightfully flown through their vows due to the amount of times they have been down the aisle; Emily isn’t one of those, most people will not marry her.

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