At the Club, Jack is leaving a voice mail for Emily just as Phyllis storms in. She tells him about Daniel and Amber being engaged and wants his help with the matter. He refuses to get involved and tells her she needs to relax, or Daniel won't come to her if he ends up needing help. After Phyllis leaves, Emily comes into the Club and joins Jack for dinner. They discuss Patty and Jack having been married to her. As dinner ends, Jack suggests that they go on a date.
On the rooftop of their apartment, Daniel proposes that he and Amber get married tonight, and Amber excitedly accepts. Katherine shows up and ends up agreeing to marry them. Daniel goes to give the good news to Kevin and Jana, while Amber calls up Lauren for a dress. Lauren's tells her she has the perfect dress for her, and heads over to the roof top. Meanwhile, at the coffee house, Jana gives the sudden wedding a thumbs down since it's taking place on Friday the 13th. Kevin and Daniel tell her not to worry, and they head out of Crimson Lights.
Also at Crimson are Ryder and Gloria. Ryder tells her that he's nothing like Tom, but understood her having reservations about him. He then spots Deacon at a table and goes over to spill the beans about Amber and Daniel getting married that night. Phyllis then walks in and Deacon dishes the news to her, after which Phyllis promptly takes off.
On the rooftop, Jana, Amber, Kevin, and Murph are decorating, while Katherine and Daniel are officializing her credentials online. Lauren arrives with the dress and the girls go to get ready. The ceremony soon begins, and Murph walks Amber out. Phyllis bursts in, asking if she's too late. She begins a rant about not wanting them to rush this and Amber tries to make her understand why it's a good thing. Ultimately, Phyllis unhappily backs off and the ceremony continues. They improvise the rings and the vows are said, Jana and Phyllis look on, less than thrilled. Kaye pronounces them man and wife and the couple kisses. An unidentified person is watching them from a distance through binoculars and smashes them to the ground.
At Jimmy's, Cane, Billy and Mac are still debating back and forth about the whole surrogacy ordeal. Cane wants him to think about Lily, but Billy goes off on him. Cane leaves and Mac starts in on Billy, talking about how it's her decision and compares him being supportive of her, as she was supportive of him backing Restless Style. They then talk about how they're different people (Mac being a huge bore, while Billy is a loveable bad boy), but Billy assures her that their love for each other is all that matters. Nonetheless, Mac thinks they aren't the same people they used to be, and she leaves. Billy is alone at the bar, listening to the jukebox and drinking. He ends up beating up the jukebox out of frustration. Meanwhile, Cane is visiting Lily at the hospital. He tells her he isn't so sure about Mac being the surrogate, but she believes it will work out. Mac arrives, assuring them she will make good on her offer.
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