In the words of Saturday Night Live's immortal Rosanna Rosannadanna (Gilda Radner), "if it's not one thing, it's something," and this week in Genoa City there will be many somethings heating up. Take Phyllis, Ronan, Nick and Avery, for example. They appear to be a group of rather well-adjusted adults, at least for the most part. But what will happen when they suddenly find themselves emmersed in a love quadrangle? Are we talking a simple case of crushing on one another, or will there be full-fledged partner swapping?
Will hearts be broken as a result?
Then, early in the week, watch for the character of Daisy to hit the scene. Who will Daisy impact during her day in GC? Meanwhile, Victor and Victoria have a conversation and decide that in the case of Adam, two heads are better then one. They team up against him. Will Adam be prepared to keep
them both at bay?
As Adam attempts to handle his family, we find Paul dealing with a few issues from his past --.especially those where Isabella is concerned. A return from Christine (Wednesday, November 9th) triggers memories for Paul of their tragic past with Isabella. Will he be able to cope? One sure fire way to find out. Tune in to the Young and the Restless this week.
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