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Home General Hospital General Hospital Sneak Peeks Week 2-20-12

General Hospital Sneak Peeks Week 2-20-12

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Kimberly McCullough (Robin, General Hospital)Much will involve Robin and her immediate family this week, and a familiar face from a town in Pennsylvania hits the shores in Port Charles. But first back to Robin...

Thanks in great part to the explosion at the hospital, Robin and those she cares most about are in dire straits. Even as she remains hard at work, she must face and make life-altering choices. Is Patrick involved? What about Jason? How will the explosion affect his condition? Will Robin choose wisely? Either way, does this situation cause her to make some changes in regard to what she wants in her own life?

At the same time, Maxie hopes she can stop Matt from getting drunk with Liz. Will she succeed?

Speaking of imbibing too much alcohol, Michael finds an unauthorized party at the lake house. Imagine his surprise when he encounters a very drunk and very out of control Molly. It would appear that TJ is the reason behind Molly's behavior, but instead of her pointing fingers, she defends him. Why?

Meanwhile, Jason asks Spinelli for a favor. Will Spinelli be able to accommodate Jason? We can't spill all the beans, but this much we can share. Sam is keeping a secret. Will what she's hiding be revealed?

While on the other side of Port Charles at the benefit gala, a sniper takes a shot at Dante. Was the bullet really meant for him? Either way, Sonny manages to save Dante's life, but Sonny believes that the Zaccaharas are behind the shooting, and he plans on getting a quick and deadly payback. Dante works hard to prevent a new mob war. Will his efforts pay off?

At the same time, Kate takes the attempt at Dante's life very hard. She is visibly shaken. But as Olivia worries about the emotional state of her cousin, Kate takes matters into her own hands and makes an important decision about her future. Does she go so far as to break up with Sonny! If so, is he going to allow her to simply walk away?

Then, as Alexis arrives home furious, Carly and Johnny get to know each other a bit better. However, it's not long before Shawn interrupts them. Are they caught with their pants down? Check in to General Hospital this week and find out.


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