Lucky gets introspective this week. While in a churchyard, he receives a message. From whom? Is it an otherworldly message? Although we can’t spill all the beans, we can share this. As Lucky wakes from a dream, his father, Luke, has a deep heart-to-heart conversation with Sonny. What do they discuss? Later, Luke and his own conscious discuss his psychological scars. Does this result in Luke having an epiphany of any kind?
At the same time, Mac questions Patrick and Robin. Will they give him the answers he’s after? Later, as Steve and Matt exchange quixotic words, Sam tries to avoid telling Spinelli what haunts her. Why are Steve and Matt at odds this time? Will Spinelli break through Sam’s insecurities?
Then, surprise, surprise. Things in Port Charles do take an otherworldly turn. As Ethan addresses Laura’s portrait he discovers a ghostly glow. Is it Laura’s spirit? Meanwhile, Sonny has his hands full as more drama ensues for him. How will he handle it? Keep your remote glued to General Hospital this week and see.

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