Episode #11256----Bo asked Daniel to keep an eye out for Carly. Dan agrees and Bo warns Daniel that Vivian Alamain is a crafty character and a restraining order won't stop her. Meanwhile, Carly questions Vivian's true motives towards Melanie. Melanie and Vivian are thrown by Carly's crazy accusations. Fed up with Vivian, Carly puts her on notice. Daniel shows up and sticks up for Carly. Vivian is amused and Daniel pulls Carly away, but not before accidentally ruining Melanie's wedding dress with coffee. Later, Daniel tries to talk some sense into her, but she won't completely open up to him. Later, Carly goes into Bo's arms. She tells him she nearly slipped up, but her secret is safe for now. Little do they know, Vivian is twigged by Carly's behavior and asks Gus to find out what they can about Melanie Layton. Earlier, Bo runs into Philip, who apologizes for how he spoke of Carly. He hopes his brother will still be one of his groomsmen and Bo agrees. Later, Melanie goes home to Philip and he makes her feel better.
Chloe tells Brady that Nicole wants info on Sydney. Brady doesn't have any info, but thinks it's best if he doesn't talk to her. It's only fair to Arianna. Chloe understands and Brady goes to meet Arianna. Philip comes home and he and Chloe talk about marriage and children. He wonders if Chloe and Dan are going to have a house full which upsets Chloe.
Arianna is supposed to meet up with Brady, but Troy stops by instead. He's there under the ruse that he needs her to move some coke. It spills and Troy uses the opportunity to try to strangle Arianna. However, EJ arrives and saves the day. Arianna calls the police and EJ tells Troy to run. Later, Roman catches the guy. At the police station, Brady arrives and is upset he wasn't there for Arianna. EJ's a bit nervous as Troy overhears Arianna use her code word Caesar and he outs her as a narc!
Anna questions the plan.
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