The residents of Llanview wake from vivid dreams, revealing their hidden hopes, fears, and suspicions. Bo finds John at Rodi’s, having spent the night. He recalls that the last time John went on a bender like that was after his wedding. It doesn’t take Bo long to realize John is thinking about Natalie.
Meanwhile, Natalie has a dream that she can’t quite shake: seeing paternity test results indicating that John is Liam’s father. At EOD, Natalie goes to see John at Rodi’s. She has something to tell him. Blair stops by to check on Tea. The two women go over their doubts concerning both Todd and Jack. Blair devises a plan to get the truth out of Jack.
Later, Tea opens a box of Victor’s belongings from his office at The Sun among those belongings is a copy of Natalie’s original paternity test. At Llanview High, Shane overhears Jack reiterate his version of what happened the night Victor was murdered. At EOD, a hopeless Todd has a visitor.
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