The Young and the Restless fans couldn't contain their disappointment when they learned that Tristan Rogers, (Colin) would soon be off the canvas of their favorite soap.
gbgirl3333 tweeted: "God I hope u will be back on TV soon! I have always enjoyed your acting talents! We r Tristan Rogers fans always! Best 2 u!"
jflotv tweeted: "It is a shame that Tristan Rogers got stuck with this awful storyline, because he unlike his onscreen family, is enjoyable to watch."
valkaysing tweeted and directed the comments to Sony pictures, and Y &R: "Fix this dying show. So sad you killed the last good part by losing Tristan Rogers. Bring him back!"
In his time on Y&R, Rogers made quite the positive impression. Brought on initially for only 10 episodes in 2010, the character of Colin quickly became a bad-boy fan favorite, and a love interest for Jill (Jess Walton). Then, it wasn't long before his old co-star from General Hospital (where he played good boy, Robert Scorpio), Genie Francis, hit the scene in Genoa City and those two likewise made chemistry on screen.
But Soapdom supposes that for an original 10 episode stint, Rogers impressed the powers that be at Y& R so much, not to mention the positive fan reaction, that he stayed on for more than a year.
But all good things must come to an end. Rogers taped his final episode on Tuesday, September 20, 2011. That day he tweeted: "Want to thank everyone for their support. Onward and upward."
The good news is it appears that the onward and upward is right around the corner. Rogers tweeted yesterday that "as the clock on Y&R winds down, another one starts."
Today he tweeted: "I am going back to a Web formatted type show. I tried this awhile back but with little success. This will be different. The Web rewards dark, edgy, quirky, out there. So that's what I'll give it.I also intend to use actors with solid Daytime back grounds in roles soaps would never go near."
We can't wait to learn exactly what Rogers has up his sleeve and as we'll be seeing him in a few days, we'll be sure to find out and pass it on.
More good news for Colin fans. Rogers shared that the character does not get killed off, so there is a possibility of a return to Genoa City in the future. Well, even when characters do get killed off there is a possibility of their return. This is soapdom, after all.
In the meantime, you can always check in with Rogers on the indie soap,
Stay tuned to for more on Tristan Rogers and his latest ventures.

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