Jason goes out with a bang
Is Jason dead? It’s hard to imagine anyone could survive being shot and thrown into the river, even Jason Morgan. I suppose it’s better if the body isn’t found. That way we can all hold out hope.
That being said, I’ve never been a Sam fan, it’s true. But I give Sam huge props for diving into the water and trying to find Jason’s body. Not many women in Sam’s position would be able to stay so strong and positive.
Here’s my theory – Elizabeth should find Jason’s lifeless body. She can secretly nurse Jason back to health with the help of Steven. This could take months, even years, as Jason remains in a coma. Jason’s lifeless body remains in a coma until one day – he comes back. But this time, he loves Elizabeth more than ever. The two finally get married and live happily ever after. Sorry JaSam fans, but this is how I think it should go down.
It’s so frustrating to see elements of human in Joe. And just when we think he might have a little bit of good in him, it’s over. He tells Trey that Sonny shot him. And then he dies! That’s a heck of a lie to tell your son Joe – I’m very disappointed.
In actor news, Kelly Monaco (Sam) remains a strong contender on ABC’s ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ If you’re a fan, make sure you vote to keep Kelly in the competition. ‘Dancing with the Stars’ airs Monday and Tuesday nights on ABC.
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