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Home Shows General Hospital General Hospital Check Up General Hospital Check up Week of February 13, 2012

General Hospital Check up Week of February 13, 2012

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Sonny humiliates Johnny

Maurice Benard (Sonny, GH)We never quite know what to expect from Sonny, but this week he topped himself. Calling out Johnny in front of all those people was just wrong. It was mean and it was unnecessary. Yes, John was drunk. But Sonny wasn’t. You could feel John’s humiliation.

I wonder if Kate will forgive Sonny. She’s certainly become one of his biggest supporters lately. But even Kate saw the cruelty in Sonny’s actions.

Sonny certainly didn’t score any points with Dante. It was interesting to hear Dante say he wants Sonny locked up. Makes me wonder if John McBain’s (Michael Easton) arrival will eventually make that happen. John and Dante could certainly team up to help rid Port Charles of its criminal element.

Emma Scorpio Drake is one of the most darling children on television. Have you ever seen a kid smile like that? She lights up the room. And how cute it was to see Anna (Finola Hughes) say “you can call me Anna.” “Ok grandma Anna,” Emma said to Anna’s dismay.

In actor news, watch for the return of Tristan Rogers (Robert) during the week of February 27. Watch for Erin Chambers (ex Siobhan) on an upcoming episode of ABC’s ‘Castle.’ According to Soaps in Depth, Chambers will air next month on the popular crime drama.


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