Welcome to the Soapdom Message Boards!
Soapdom Message Boards are fun and easy to use. You can even easily link to video in your posts. More on that in a second. But first...
Ranking System
Soapdom uses a ranking system based on the number of posts you create. The more active you are on the boards, the higher your rank.
Our ranking system is based on the various levels an actor would experience if he or she were trying to get work on a soap, or any other film or television project for that matter.
Newbies are called "Extras." But they won't be newbies for long. All you need is 20 posts to move up to the next rank, "Day Players."
From a "Day Player," you move up to "Recurring" after you reach a paltry 100 posts, and so on. Here's the whole skinny...
0-19 posts
Day Player
20-99 posts
100-249 posts
250-499 posts
Soap Star
Award Winner
1000 and above
Adding Video, Images, and Ebay Auctions
Soapdom's Message Boards are quite robust. You can easily link to external sources or add images and video to your posts.
When you either start a new thread or reply to a post, you will see an icon box that includes the icons below:
Clicking on the ebay icon allows you to link to an ebay
auction. Clicking on the film strip icon easily allows you
to link to a YouTube video, or a video hosted by a number
of other video platforms. Clicking on the framed icon allows
you to link to an image.
To find out what all the icons do, just go to the message
boards, start a thread or post a reply and click on the
icons! Oh, but you will only see this icon bar if you begin
a thead or do a full reply. If you select "quick reply," these
options are still available, but the icons are not displayed.
G-Rated Boards
Soapdom wants you to enjoy participating on our message
Most and foremost, however, please remember
that Soapdom is G-Rated community. No harsh language,
no flaming or bashing of any kind will be tolerated.
Please refer to Soapdom's Terms of Service for a complete
list of rules for our Message Boards, or click the RULES
tab above.
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