Long before he ran the streets of New York City as Detective Ed Green on Law & Order and way before he wooed the analytically overfed Ally McBeal as Dr. Greg Butters, Jesse L. Martin was making the daytime rounds with bud Roger Howarth. Soapdom recently bumped into the multitalented performer -- who proved he could sing, dance and act when he scored his big break in 1996 with the groundbreaking musical Rent as Tom Collins - and gladly listened to Martin tell of his own history in the daytime world that began in 1992.
"I played Quincy (on One Life To Live) and I think he was an assistant editor for a newspaper on the show (The Banner). It was a small role and there wasn't a whole lot for me to do and it honestly didn't last that long. The only cool part about doing it was one of my best friends, Roger Howarth (Paul, As The World Turns; ex-Todd, OLTL) was on the show at the time," he relays to Soapdom, unaware of the huge soap "connect" he's just unearthed for us.
So how did Howarth and Martin meet?
"We played best friends on Guiding Light like a loooong time ago," laughs Martin, remembering their artistic partnership as Keith and Jory (Howarth) back in 1992. "There was Kat (Nia Long played her) and I was her boyfriend on the show and Roger was my nerdy best friend. We did work for a couple of months and then there was one day where we did a scene in a diner and the girls decided they were going to squirt us with mustard because they didn't want to be involved with us anymore and we knew that we were not coming back to the show. Roger was like: 'You don't get sprayed with mustard and come back.' And I was like 'You're right."
And just how close are Howarth and Martin?
"I'm Godfather to his son Julian," he shares with Soapdom.
"(Roger) is the nicest guy," compliments Martin. "He’s the man!"
So, by the way, is Martin.

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