Eve comes to Alistair in his hospital room, knife pulled, ready to finish him off once and for all. When Alistair taunts her that she doesn’t have the guts to do it, she attacks him with the blade. He turns the tables on her but she soon gets the better of the evil man and pulls a gun from her purse. Now it’s time for you to finally die for all you’ve done to Harmony!
Gwen is ready to ship Little Ethan off to boarding school immediately, a car is waiting outside. When a stunned Ethan resists, Gwen asks Ethan if he’s going to stand by his wife’s wishes or answer to his lover’s ghost? Gertrude and Pilar plead with Ethan and a cold Gwen to let the frightened boy stay at home. Gwen privately tells Pilar that if Theresa is alive she will come to her son’s aid just as Gertrude tells Ethan she has something she needs to tell him right now.
Meanwhile, Vincent confronts Sheridan at the cottage... You have to pay for letting me die! Sheridan pleads for her life and thinks she may have gotten to him, but Vincent is set on revenge! They struggle over the gun, Sheridan fighting for her very life...
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