Soapdom is delighted to confirm that the wonderful and talented Tonja Walker will be joining the cast of General Hospital.
According to our sources at the show, General Hospital has hired soap veteran Tonja Walker for a prominent role to begin airing in early 2017.
No stranger to soaps, Walker has starred previously on General Hospital in the role of Olivia St. John. She also starred on One Life to Live as Alex Olanov, Passions as Grace Nancier, Guiding Light as Marie Green and The Bay as Ms. St. John.
Born in Huntington, West Virginia in 1960, Walker is a former beauty pageant titleholder. She competed in the Miss USA pageant. As a singer, she has released an album of her songs. As a producer, she produced the award winning family film, The Derby Stallion, starring Zac Efron and Walker.
"We are very happy to be bringing Tonja back to GH. While we can't share what role she'll be playing, we can guarantee that she'll be shaking things up in Port Charles," said Frank Valentini, executive producer.
Well, we all know what happens when a character comes to town to shake things up. Looks like things are going to be rocking and rolling in Port Charles come 2017. Happy New Year everyone!

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