Parker sees a newspaper article about Paul’s injury, begs Meg to take him to the hospital. Paul asks Meg to stay and Parker backs him up. Paul admits to Parker that his explosion wasn’t an accident, but also that it was partly Paul’s fault. Chris tries to console Sofie, but she isn’t having it. A nurse comes to tell Barbara her radiation treatment has been rescheduled and Sofie realizes Barbara has cancer. As Chris looks for her outside, Sofie allows Paul to comfort her. Sofie comes to see Paul and bursts into tears when he asks about the custody trial.
Jack and Carly ask Henry to wear a wire and trap Kit into confessing she killed Sam. Jack and Carly listen in as Henry tries to push Kit to confess about Sam. They almost get a confession, but it falls apart. Henry tells Jack and Carly he’s sorry it didn’t work out. Carly wonders if Kit’s confession is good enough. Margo tells Jack his tape is useless and Jack is too close to the case. She can’t allow him to be involved in the investigation and Jack quits.
Matt tells Casey he had a great time with Alison, and then gets a call. As Matt leaves, he sees Gray and warns him not to be so conspicuous. Gray reminds Matt that Gray’s the one in charge. Gray offers Vienna some very friendly diamond earrings. Gray kisses a tipsy Vienna just as Henry sees.
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