Episode #13,669----Rosanna sees Carly pinning on Craig's boutonniere, and sees the way they look at each other. At the wedding, Craig expresses his love for Rosanna, but Rosanna changes her mind. She just can't marry him, because she says he's never looked at her the way he looked at Carly. Craig and Rosanna discuss their relationship. Craig essentially apologizes for having run Rosanna off the road all those years ago. Rosanna appreciates it and she's now free to leave town. She's going to Germany to run a motor company.
Katie brings in a real estate agent, Dina, to look at her house to sell it. Brad causes a ruckus, moving things around, and Dina rushes out, frightened. Later, Katie wants to talk to Brad. Jack wants the same, visiting Brad's grave, wondering why for all the haunting Brad's been doing, he hasn't come to see his brother.
Dusty and Janet bond over drinks. Teri is still a little jealous of Janet's being close to Dusty.
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