Desperate Housewives, the hit comedy-drama has stirred a storm right from the day it was premiered. The show focuses on the lives of four housewives living in Wisteria Lane and juggling with issues related to love, life and relationships. The show has struck the right chord with the viewers, who’ve accepted these sub-urban housewives gleefully. These four women go through lots of ups and downs as they move in and out of relationships, have flings and are entrusted with the responsibility of a family at the same time.
Gabrielle (Eva Longoria) is being administered therapy. Watch Desperate Housewives season 7 episode 14 “Flashback” as and when it gets released, and catch up with Gabrielle in the upcoming segment, seeking therapy for the obsession with her doll on the insistence of Carlos. The episode will also feature Lynette having a rude word with her mother (guest star, Polly Bergen as Stella). This uncalled-for incident will take place as Stella will force the Scavos to pose for family portrait with her new husband, Frank (guest star Larry Hagman). Desperate Housewives in its season 7 episode 14 will unravel a series of unprecedented events that will take everyone by surprise. You can catch up with the entire episode online once it is aired.
You can Watch Desperate Housewives season 7 episode 14 online after its official release, and you will find Susan (Teri Hatcher) getting a kidney donation from a person she had never expected. This episode will also feature Bree (Marcia Cross) trying to keep Keith’s (guest star Brian Austin Green) son’s existence under wraps. Thus, the upcoming episode has a good enough dosage of drama and mystery, as the viewers shall have to wait, to see what will happen next.
Tune into Desperate Housewives season 7 episode 14 when it gets released, and catch up with another riveting story as Mike will try to approach his biological son, Zach since he’s suspecting Zach’s involvement in Paul’s shooting. Desperate Housewives in its forthcoming season 7 episode 14 will offer in its kitty, twists and turns that are bound to send ripples in the lives of its characters affecting them for good or bad.
In fact if you watch Desperate Housewives season 7 full episodes, you’ll see the tumultuous lives of the residents of Wisteria Lane, who put on a mask pretending to be happy but are affected by a canker underneath. This season showed Susan and Mark confronting financial troubles forcing them to leave Wisteria Lane. Bree is having a hard time trying to balance her relationship with Keith, a man in his thirties. The crux of the entire series has been its unpredictability quotient, that keeps you hooked to this marvelous show.