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Thursday, 22 October 2009 10:57

Fighting the Babble of the Bulge

Written by  QueenRuler

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The older I get, the more obvious it becomes to me that metabolism does slow down.  It's like I eat one piece of candy and gain five pounds.   Trying to lose it is a never ending battle.   Sitting in front of a computer all day long working Soapdom is no help either, although I do try to get out and go to the gym, or walk a few miles each day.  

Still, my skin is not as firm as it used to be. Not only that, I live in Los Angeles, which is basically a desert with piped in water.  The climate here is very dry and my skin, especially my hands, feet, calves and arms get very dry.  So, what to do? 

There are so many products out there on the market. Which one to try? Which one to use?  We are so bombarded with media blitzes on a barrage of new products, I usually don't purchase any of them, cos there are just too many  to choose from. 

This was my plight until a new acquaintance told me about a skin care product out of Australia just now hitting the shores of the US. It's called Become Lift & Firm Gel.  It is supposed to help with cellulite (Come on. Which one of us is not obsessed with that?) and moisturize.  It's got Aloe, Bladderwrack Extract (whatever that is, but if it helps it helps), Brazilian Seaweed and Carnitine.   You're to apply after showering while your skin is still warm. 

I started using it yesterday.  It's got a different consistency than you would expect, not greasy or oily in any way. It kinda tingles as you're applying it.  Let's see if this could be the end to my dry skin and encroaching cellulite woes.  I'll keep you posted.





Last modified on Wednesday, 28 October 2009 02:19
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Linda Marshall-Smith (QueenRuler, www.Soapdom.com)
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