Nick suddenly remembers the phone in his hand and explains to Victoria that Nikki is alive and in Colorado. Later, the doctor informs Ashley, Nick, Adam and Victoria that
Victor has to back into surgery to help get his heart pumping again. Adam tries to work Ashley when it seems she is starting to forgive Victor. Later, as much as Sharon wants to reach out to Nick she explains to him that he needs to call Phyllis and tell her to come home. As Ashley is leaving the hospital she runs right into a rain soaked Nikki and gasps, believing she is seeing Nikki's ghost.Jack brings Ashley to the Abbott mansion and he sees that she has finally unraveled. Adam arrives and tries to convince Ashley to come home to the ranch but Ashley agrees to allow Jack to take her to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. Later, Victor is wheeled back into his room and Victoria reveals to him that Nikki has finally arrived.
At the mental hospital, Adam panics when Ashley checks herself in and calls Dr. Taylor. Meanwhile, Nick leaves Sharon to go back to the hospital and Sharon starts to have what she believes are Braxton-Hicks contractions. Later, the doctor informs the Newmans that Victor won't survive without a heart transplant.
The day winds down as Traci shares with all the people who love Colleen that she has decided to take her off life support.
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